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burneside's Posts

Here's the link to the DM article, it really does illustrate the lunacy of the LibDumbs.

Climate Change
2 weeks ago

There's an awful lot of coulds in that copy and paste job, what is the source?

3 weeks ago

There's none so blind as those who will not see.

3 weeks ago

@1263 Unfortunately, I know only too well from personal experience about the illness and death the “vaccines” are causing.  Why do you think the much-heralded Oxford-AstraZeneca shot was very quietly withdrawn and is never mentioned now?  Because it caused blood clots and people were dying, that’s why.  The number of excess deaths in this country, and across the world, has skyrocketed in the ...

3 weeks ago

You could lump the covid "vaccine" in with this scam.

The EU Superstate
2 Mar 2024

He's not wrong.

Presumbaly Gilly Robinson now lives a life that is totally oil-free in every single respect?

It's laughable that town councillors actually think they have some clout.

Given the recent local electon results, she had no option.

I wonder how much Council Tax DTC has wasted on this?