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General Discussion

Articles 11 and 13 were today passed by the EU parliament, be prepared for big changes in the way the internet operates.  The inventor of the internet, Britain's Tim Berners-Lee, has campaigned against these changes, so I would hardly describe it as "desperate".

11 Sep 2018

The European Parliament is tomorrow voting on a proposal that would affect virtually every website, including this one .  If the proposal passes it will be illegal to link to other websites without first obtaining permission, and possibly having to pay for the privilege of linking to the site. This transport blogger explains the situation: ...

It does seem odd that they want to steer people away from visiting the Warren, but if this is approved it will mean even more visitors.

I suggest you seek psychiatric help, Mrs C, I'm sure you will benefit from it.

17 Aug 2018

"Diana Mond", you really are a nasty, vicious piece of twisted evil.  You don't qualify to be called a human being. And that also applies to the person who agreed with your comment.

17 Aug 2018

Leave it out, sweetheart.  Public opinion has voted you off this forum more times than I've had hot dinners. You've gone through so many usernames I have truly lost count.

17 Aug 2018

In PC Britain having an opinion is no longer allowed. In Iran women are rebelling against having to wear clothing like this, but yet in this country you get castigated for voicing a similar opinion.

Cllr Wrigley was spouting in the press the other day that without some form of regeneration "the Lawn will die".  I would like to how he can state that so unequivocally.  This consultation is sham, just as all consultations are.  I have no doubt that the decision to build the playpark has already been made.

15 Aug 2018

Well if someone can or will only speak Urdu then they will have a tough time interacting with anybody outside their community.  It doesn't do much for social cohesion if a particular community refuses to speak the local language.

15 Aug 2018

Because we are in the UK, and English is the national language?  By the way, not having the ability to speak English costs the taxpayer dearly, this article is a few years old, the figures are no doubt higher now. NHS spends £23m a year on translators The health service spent £23m last year on translators and interpreters, an increase of 17 per cent since 2007. Experts said ...

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