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General Discussion

Boycott Tesco's
11 Dec 2007

OMG I so hadn't thought of that!! How the little darlings have made it across the Strand all these years I can't imagine! Whatever will TDC come up with as a crossing solution?! *lightbulb flicks internally* How about a zebra or pelican crossing?! If you're like most parents and teach your kids the Green Cross Code you've got nothing to worry about. There's only 3 steps to it- Stop Look and ...

sick of Tesco's rant
11 Dec 2007

bored now. Can people not post if they're just rehashing stuff previously said? Reading these posts i feel like i'm being asked to take sides between two six year olds. The few genuinely informative and interesting posts are drowned out by infantile spouting off. But i have to admit, i'm looking forward to seeing if anyone lies down in front of the bulldozers to stop the building.:)

Christmas Market
10 Dec 2007

Hiya everyone. I think yopu will find that the christmas spirit is lacking all over the UK at the moment. Most people are now in so much debt, that they are not really in the mood to think of others, working hard just to put food on the table most of them. I think it will return, people just need to remember what the season is really about, family, friends and just being there for each other. ...

Boycott Tesco's
8 Dec 2007

why? I want a job there.

Oh god, The Lawn is awful. Not the Lawn itself, but the people who frequent it.

7 Dec 2007

There seems to be more and more tramps and strange people in this town each month.......where are they coming from?????? It is getting to the point that the lawn is becoming an unpleasent place to walk, especially by the contrete seating area by the bowling green.......

6 Dec 2007

Whos the guy who has been sleeping rough in town and now seemed to of be-friended some younger locals into dinking and drugs and what ever else he has bought to Dawlish. He looks although he is in his mid to late 20s and about 6ft. How can a small town let this go on? Nothing is ever done!

Control & Defence
4 Dec 2007

NEW - Jim Wagners Personal Protection System January 9th 2008 I will be setting up a self defence school in Newton Abbot, Martial Arts World for 2008. This style covers: 1. Defensive tactics 2. Ground Survival 3. Knife Survival 4. Crime Survival 5. Terrorism Survival 6. Conflict Conditioning 7. Scenario Training 8. Control & Defence 9. Handgun Survival 10. Improvised Weapons 11. ...


Dawlish is great!
4 Dec 2007

He is probably a smack head and smack is very readily available in Dawlish, you see.