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General Discussion

Boycott Tesco's

Livid Lilly
Livid Lilly
08 Dec 2007 07:54

Vote with feet and money. Boycott Tesco's.

08 Dec 2007 22:28

why? I want a job there.

09 Dec 2007 16:45

Boycott Tescos Lilly......why on earth would we want to do that?? Grow up and use what little brain you have to make a real difference to Dawlish!

Livid Lilly
Livid Lilly
09 Dec 2007 19:06

Oh but I have got a brain that is why I can think, and question, and come to my own conclusions.

So I ask you - go on convince me - why will a supermarket situated at Sandy Lane be of benefit?

10 Dec 2007 08:16

Why is that the residents of Dawlish have pissed and moaned for years about Somerfield / Co-op / Costcutters and then as soon as there is a competitor on the horizon you are all up in arms about it?!
Personally I think the land out at Shuttleton would have been a better location (albeit a little too far out of town to be of any real benefit to people without cars)
From what i can gather it's not going to be a store to rival the likes of the Newton Abbot one, it will only be a small store, but it would perhaps force the Co-op and 'Costcutters' to lower their prices or run the risk of going out of business.
The new store will also bring lots of job opportunities with it.

Livid Lilly
Livid Lilly
10 Dec 2007 13:27

If a supermarket were to be built at Shutterton then I'm as sure as eggs is eggs a bus service would go there.

And your next reason for siting the supermarket as Sandy Lane is?

10 Dec 2007 17:11

So, i take it you wont be doing your weekly shop, and saving money there when it opens then Lily!

10 Dec 2007 17:16

I was thinking the same Deb.

10 Dec 2007 17:25

Im sick of all this botcott Tesco rubbish. It's a good invesment for the town, all we loose is a shabby old football pitch which is to be replced by a new one anyway.

10 Dec 2007 21:04

And why can't the supermarket be located somewhere else and the football club stay where it is but get a revamp courtesy of Tesco's millions? If Tesco are feeling that desperate to get a foothold in Dawlish why don't they come up with that deal? That way - no supermarket at Sandy Lane = DADS happy. Football club have new stadium = football club happy. Tesco in Dawlish = Tesco and everyone who wants a supermarket happy.

Or is that far too simple a solution?

11 Dec 2007 13:36

Compromise- what deal is it you're suggesting? Tescos give the football club a revamp? And how would that work exactly?? :s
The people who are so anti-Tescos seem to think the new store is going to be huge, that the roads will need widening where Sandy Lane meets Exeter Road etc but personally I can't see it. The proposed site is going to be too small to build a store the size of Newton Abbot's! The number of cars visiting daily is not going to anywhere near the scare-mongering figure of 8000! Have any of you ever visited a small Tesco store? When i was at uni in Plymouth I regularly visited the small Metro store in Plympton. It was about the size of Costcutter on the High Street! They are not planning on building a super-store people! Dawlish has to move with the times or curl over and die!

A Mum
A Mum
11 Dec 2007 14:35

the only people likely to be curling over and dying are the kids involved in RTAs due to the close proximity of the store and its car park to the Youth Centre & Skate park and children's play area.

Not anti Tescos (but getting that way fast)
Not anti supermarket
Just anti it being sited on or near Sandy Lane!

11 Dec 2007 16:10

OMG I so hadn't thought of that!! How the little darlings have made it across the Strand all these years I can't imagine! Whatever will TDC come up with as a crossing solution?! *lightbulb flicks internally* How about a zebra or pelican crossing?!
If you're like most parents and teach your kids the Green Cross Code you've got nothing to worry about. There's only 3 steps to it- Stop Look and Listen!

A Mum
A Mum
11 Dec 2007 17:54

But there is no need to encourage cars to a children's play/teenagers 'hanging out' area is there? And talking of teenagers,just how handy would that supermarket be for all those fags and booze.

12 Dec 2007 14:08

Teenagers are no more likely to try buying alcohol and cigarettes in Tescos than they will in any other supermarket! They will try anywhere where they think they can get it.

A Mum
A Mum
12 Dec 2007 15:09

Exactly - so why tempt them with a ready supply of booxe and fags bang next door to where they are being encouraged to go?

12 Dec 2007 16:52

Yes im sure a there will be heaps of underage kids at the new Tesco buying bottles of cider for there skate home..yeah right! What a cheap shot. The new Tesco store wil be half the size of the Newton Abbot store, i cant see what all the fuss is about.

Terrible teen
Terrible teen
12 Dec 2007 17:45

What size the store will be is immaterial. It will still stock booze and fags.

12 Dec 2007 18:31

So, are you saying that theyre not tempted by Coop, when theyre loitering around the lawn? I think you need to take more notice of what they are already doing, not worry about what they may do in a new supermarket.

12 Dec 2007 18:37

I have a child that is 14, many of her friends smoke, so unless the parents are buying the cigarettes for their kids, it goes to show that the local supermarkets arnt really doing their job of not selling to underage kids very well!

12 Dec 2007 18:59

Then get off your wotsit and do something about the shops that are selling fags and booze to underage kids because believe me if that Tesco store gets built on Sandy Lane and I get wind that underagers are buying stuff they shouldn't I will create blue murder about it.

12 Dec 2007 19:08

I,m sure you will Angry!!

12 Dec 2007 19:12

Good, I'm glad you've got the message.

12 Dec 2007 19:23

If i were you angry, you ought to make a start on Coop and Costcutters before you go spouting off about screaming blue murder at Tescos!Theyre still open, if you hurry you can catch them before they close!

13 Dec 2007 06:23

You forgot the One Stop Shop. That's a Tesco's in all but name isn't it?

13 Dec 2007 09:38

Ooops, sorry Angry, i take it u,ve already complained there then!

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