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General Discussion

Dawlish is great!

a visitor
a visitor
21 Apr 2007 20:00

I have been visiting this website for a year ever since some friends moved to Dawlish and we visited. I am amazed that so many residents have such a negative view of their town. They should be proud of Dawlish and promote the town not indulge in petty point scoring. Dawlish needs tourism - come on people promote your town positively because its a super place to visit. I hope to return many times but i wonder how many wont after reading the negative comments on this website.

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
22 Apr 2007 10:12

Visiting Dawlish is one thing, living here is an entirely different kettle of fish.

a visitor
a visitor
22 Apr 2007 14:40

Of course it is but we live in a FREEDOM SOCIETY - if you dont like it why not move somewhere else?

04 Dec 2007 01:32

He is probably a smack head and smack is very readily available in Dawlish, you see.

05 Dec 2007 14:51

Dawlish is a typical small seaside town very boring in winter and buzzing in the summer.
There is no employment other than care homes or bar work other menial jobs or summer jobs its full of old people who dislike the young and think the world owes them something for living through the war
there is no community spirit the only social events i.e carnival charity fairs on the lawn are put on for the tourist trade
Anyone who has made a good buisiness for themselves is disliked "envied maybe "

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