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General Discussion

to live in dawlish or not

14 Feb 2006 16:12

Hello, my husband and I were thinking of moving to dawlish after living in Plymouth for 15 years (we are originally from east anglia). Our children have just left home and after visiting Dawlish, it seemed a lovely place to live.
After reading the earlier posts i am now not so sure.
Is it really full of beer swilling chavs or would this be a place where my husband and I could grow old gracefully?

I look forward to your replies as my house will be going up on the market soon.

Thanks in Advance,

14 Feb 2006 17:33

Tnis is a pretty town with the ducks and seafront .. but like many small towns it is 'clicky' and seems here you are nobody unless you share yout buniness, live in the pub and watch football!
The town survives from the holiday trade.. at least the place is alive in the summer.

The Carnival seems to be the only other main event.
The Theatre does its best to inspire people with films and on stage events.
See 'Whats on' on the left on this website.

Maybe consider.. Teignmouth to live.. where the shops are a little better and then you can enjoy day visits to Dawlish..only 4 miles away. Teignmouth has the sea, is nearer Newton Abbot and Torquay too.

If however you are happy to just enjoy the sea, walks etc, Dawlish is closer to Exeter .. than it's fine.

Dawlish resident
Dawlish resident
14 Feb 2006 18:15

Dawlish is very quiet most of the time. There is a proportion of beer swilling chavs but if you steer clear of the town pubs you won;t see them. Its a largish town and there are lots of groups lurking if you can seek them out. Don't let the posts put you off - in fact there are more 'upmarket' people retiring here so you should be in good company.

Emperor Solarzoom IV
Emperor Solarzoom IV
16 Feb 2006 09:46

That must be the all-time most inappropriate use of a cliche!

Before long, any 65+ male living in Dawlish is dressed in drag and walking alongside the carnival shaking a bucket of copper coins.

Dawlish - hub of elderly transvestites and transexuals.

16 Feb 2006 10:16

Just cannot get constructive replies for new people seeking help .. no wonder there is no new blood here.
All that was asked was 'is Dawlish a nice place to live?'

16 Feb 2006 12:37

Well thanks for the prompt replies but seems there is a mixed bag of feelings about the place.
Guess i will have to draw my own conclusions.
Many thanks.

A Local
A Local
16 Feb 2006 13:13

I really would NOT base an important decision like where to live on a website like this, to which around 0.000001 % of the residents contribute to!

16 Feb 2006 13:49

She was not to know !...she made a fair question.
There could have been many responses..saying about clubs, church groups etc ..even an invite to join (ha) .. if you move here!

10 Oct 2006 09:43

dont do it!every1 nos everything about eachover,ur husband will have an ffiar with the next door neighbour and your kids will turn in drug addicts,stay in plymouth n live happili ever after

Norfolk Enchants
Norfolk Enchants
10 Oct 2006 12:54

Do it! Move to Dawlish! It has been the best move i made. I moved here four years ago and have never looked back. Dawlish is lovely. Ignore some of the idiots who post comments on here.

12 Oct 2006 09:44

Dawlish is a wonderful place, I can not believe the people who post on here who are actually outsiders them selves. Dawlish is a very quiet sea side town, In a very warm and small knit community. Everyone’s your friend, and everyone is there to lend a hand and support you when needed. I’ve know many people who have moved from wide and afar to Dawlish and not for one second would they go back.

So my answer to you is yes move to Dawlish, ignore the youngsters or immature adults on this site, and well if your not sure get B&B for a few nights and try it before you but it.

And once again the people of these boards, not Dawlish, sicken me. Grow up people.


12 Oct 2006 15:06

by writing that message you are one of the people who uses these boards are you not? i think you need to grow up and realise that everyone is entitled to their own opinion

12 Oct 2006 15:22

I can agree more strongly that people are entitled to their own opinion but as you most probably very well know, if not should that everyone is entitled to disagree with another’s opinion. As a user of this board, I do not slag offers, use racist remarks, put a bad picture of Dawlish out,. But what I will do is accept everyone’s opinions regardless of my views, but therefore have the right to disagree and question there opinions.

And I only hope your doing the same to.


12 Oct 2006 15:37

i am not an outsider i have lived here all my life thank you very much

04 Dec 2007 01:45


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