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General Discussion

17 Mar 2008

call the school, they will put you through.

It was last Saturday about 5.30pm near Newlands. It was a blonde woman in a blue car apparantly, the child (yr 6) ran off and got home. I know this as my child had been with him until they all went their separate ways to go home for tea. The childs parent told us the following day.

skate park
14 Mar 2008

Let me assure you Bob that i am not an idiot or come from the asylum! I am a respectable parent and i like many other people on this site would like to see something done to help keep youngsters off the street, whatever it may be, maybe you were the one that has been rehomed here from the asylum!

Why don't you ask if the police will do a "child safe" event at the school. This might help. Just an idea

skate park
13 Mar 2008

Dont feel like that Skateboarder, its only a certain few like Bob in this world,myself and many others cant wait for you guys to get your park, you never know Bob might have a personality transplant and come and see what fun it is one day!

What a great topic, nice to have something lighthearted, and someone with a sense of humour for a change, keep em coming!!!!!

skate park
13 Mar 2008

Have you had a bad experience with kids Bob? as you really seem to have a problem with them! I dont think you ever were one yourself,maybe you were born, oppinionated and sad. You really need to get out more and get a life of your own rather than trying to ruin others enjoyment.

sounds about right. I know for a fact of someone who moved here from Liverpool on Thursday and on the Friday, they were offered by the Council, a two bedroomed house (owned by the people who built the new houses on High Street). There are young couples with children living in this town desperate for housing who have to wait years. It's all wrong. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind scousers - I ...

Co op
9 Mar 2008

Yesterday i went into Co-op and the queues were really long but, while i stood there waiting for what seemed forever i was listening to the comments. What made me laugh was that nearly everyone young and old moaned about the queues and the summer hasn't even arrived. I wonder if these are the same people who don't want a supermarket in Dawlish. Personally i'm all for supporting local shops but in ...

The trustees have had the money since 2005 over £46,000 has any of it been used or is it in the bank making interest