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General Discussion

new flats/houses high street

06 Mar 2008 07:20

Does anyone agree with me that the new houses and flats in the High St., are an eyesore.
I am all for having new homes for our expanding population, but these are not in keeping with the surroundings, & it looks like a rabbit warren I have never seen so many homes built into such a small space.
Whoever got planning permission (think we all know) must have friends on the council

06 Mar 2008 12:35

Yes those places are an eyesore. Being new to the town I dont know who built them.
Its the same as everywhere new homes are small 10 built where there used to be 6 no gardens adequate parking etc. Yes new housing is needed but it needs to be planned properly

07 Mar 2008 19:35

I think those places are fine Dawlish NEEDS housing

08 Mar 2008 00:55

I heard the places are being given rented to immigrants

10 Mar 2008 10:14

sounds about right. I know for a fact of someone who moved here from Liverpool on Thursday and on the Friday, they were offered by the Council, a two bedroomed house (owned by the people who built the new houses on High Street). There are young couples with children living in this town desperate for housing who have to wait years. It's all wrong. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind scousers - I married one, but to give homes to immigrants when the need is so great for others who live here just sucks! I want to emigrate - this country is a toilet.

10 Mar 2008 16:22

.. bet you'd soon be back like the rest for free NHS.

10 Mar 2008 17:55

Dawlish doesn't need more housing, what it needs is sensible rents for those who require somewhere to live, there is plenty of accommodation in Dawlish if you are prepared to pay the rent.
Giving accommodation to someone from out of the area, gives the shout brigade (we want more housing) the chance to play into developers hands by demanding more.

10 Mar 2008 17:58

There will be about 20 houses/flats available in East Cliff Road shortly, how many Dawlish so called needies will get one?

11 Mar 2008 10:11

Some of the High Street flats already have residents; others have signs in the window advertising 'to let'. So why the scare stories saying they've all been given to foreigners? They appear to be accessible on the open market.

11 Mar 2008 17:39

Because there are a lot of bigoted people about who are racist? Not to mention sexist and homophobic. Oh yes! I've heard a lot of that in this town.

12 Mar 2008 11:10

Just because someome is concerned about the influx of immigrants to. this country doesnt make them a racist or a bigot.
There are too many holiday and second homes in this county and rents are very high. There are many people who would like to leave home and become independent (I am one of them)but a. cant afford to and b. if I could there is a lack of available places. There are winter lets but what good are those.

12 Mar 2008 11:16

If its true that the council are housing a family from Liverpool thats unfair. I know a couple who have lived here for about 30 years they have to move to a ground floor flat for health reasons the council are going to help them but they have to move to Torquay. Their family and friends live in Dawlish they are devistated, and cannot find anywhere private to rent

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