www.dawlish.gov.uk/acrobat/M2008JAN23amenities.pdf says the Town Council has received copies of the plan.
The reply we got when we contacted Dawlish Community Trust on their out of date website was as follows:
What is happening is that a public presentation is being arranged for early May when the consultants' recommendations and final report will be revealed. It will be for the local authorities to form a Partnership to take the plan forward.
The website is at present being overhauled with the co-operation of Dawlish Community College so that we can keep it up to date from our own office, rather than through an agency.
In the meantime please read your Dawlish Gazette where we try to get items on current projects reported.
Robert VIckery
A bit pompous don't you think, that message on the website?
Please ask yourselves this question. When that document goes public will it be for public information (ie it will have already been decided what is going to happen) or for public consultation (ie it is still open for grabs what is going to happen).
In other words are the people of Dawlish to have a genuine input into how the town should be regenerated or will they be faced with a fait accompli when all goes public.
If you want to see the report and Dawlish Town Council's response to it contact the Town Clerk. If any problems ask for info under Freedom of Information Act.