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General Discussion

Black Swans
9 May 2007

Dont forget that the Town Council sold 5 this year and most of the exotic water fowl belonged to the Water Fowl Warden he left and so did they????? So dont believe the lies that the Town Clerk says that they (swans) have been killed by dogs, if he was so worried about swans why did they sell the five and where did the money for them go? Perhaps somebody else can find it in the Report and Accounts ...

26 Apr 2007

oblivious, the following comment by you is correct "general public is at a designated time and that time only". But they change it when the meeting starts, (its usually number 2 on the agenda) to the end of the meeting, then at the end chairman stands and officially closes the meeting without allowing members of the public the usual 3 minutes. Try it for yourself

Try going to a council meeting and see for yourself how they act, you might get a better understanding. Join that bunch of hypocrites no thanks, you might say there would be a chance of changing things from within and you could be right, but I prefer not to be indoctrinated.

24 Apr 2007

How can you say they lie when they refuse to answer questions and do not allow the general public to address them and Town Council meetings even though it is in the Agenda.

Our esteemed Town Clerk J Winchester made that statement in the Express & Echo 18th April. My question is if so many Black Swans have been lost Quote "Slaughterd By Dogs" why did they this year SELL FIVE? I am sure a lot of residents would like the answer to that question.

If you had any brain at all you would check out the Dawlish Town Council web sitem but most probably to much for you to understand.

17 Apr 2007

Yes it is true the sold five, go to the Dawlish Town Council web site find Search and put in Minutes & Agendas if you go through the minutes you will find it.

Miss Whiplash
17 Apr 2007

You seem to spend a lot of time on it yourself IDIOT and by the way what is the following supposed to mean "you can do no not join" makes as much sense as your pathetic comments.

17 Apr 2007

Takes one to know one

Not much point trying to answer young twats who walk around with their heads up their arse