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General Discussion

Another example of Keir Starmer's two tier policing and two tier justice is the ignoring of the incitement during the riots by Nick Lowles of the ironically-named "Hope not Hate" charity. Because he is on the left, he can get away with offering an apology.

He's locking up people that protest about it. I was looking at knife crime stats the other day. Up 78% in the last 10 years. Instead of tackling the epidemic, the government spent the last 10 years pandering to a woke minority by introducing draconian new laws that crack down on free speech. And ...

Shouldn't all illegal migrants be returned?

Don't forget Ricky Jones' 'pre-trial preparation hearing' is in 2 weeks time on 6 September. No speedy trials for those on the left in Keir Starmer's 2-tier socialist 'justice' system.

Justice that is not applied equally is no justice at all.

3 weeks ago

@Paul , it won't be used to address genuine misogyny given the misogynistic beliefs held by some of their voter base. Instead it will be used to go after the 'far right', meaning anyone with views that are right of the far left. These are dark days for our country. The Tory and Labour uniparty have totally destroyed free speech in the UK. Being able to think and speak freely and ...

Our Dear Leader is already letting out actual criminals from prison to make room. Being robbed and stabbed in the street is a small price to pay for keeping us safe from wrongthink online.

13 Aug 2024

An unelected globalist EU tyrant thinks he can tell the world what they can and cannot say or think. It tells you a lot about how these bureaucrats see themselves.

Homes for refugees
12 Aug 2024

It was fantastic to see so many good people out there on the streets last week standing up to far right racists. Can I gently remind those holding the 'Refugees welcome' placards to remember to provide their name and address to Over 6000 have done so far, which is great, but a lot more have yet to sign up. The link is below. ...

Labour Manifesto 2024
11 Aug 2024

Kim Jong Un is happy