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General Discussion

I haven't seen much about this scheme - what would being chosen give Dawlish? This is genuine interest, nothing sarcastic!!

Petrol prices
14 Mar 2012

I was told by a friend who lives in Exeter that the local radio does (or did, it was a while ago she told me) a feature of the most expensive and cheapest fuel in the Exeter area each day and it actually helped to reduce some prices and keep them far more level than they had been. The trouble is that round Dawlish there is too little competition and so they are far less likely to be bothered by ...

Mamhead House
13 Mar 2012

No high horse plasticpeter, perfectly calm, perfectly happy and content - just wanting to correct an untruth that had been posted and then jumped on by various members because it gave them the chance to have a moan about Vodafone. Along with a lot of people I don't agree with Vodafone's tax arrangements, but that had nothing to do with two perfectly nice members of our local community who were ...

13 Mar 2012

Firstly before deciding to confiscate someone's private home (and yes that is what it is at the moment) perhaps you should check out your facts about whether it is actually owned by the boss of Vodafone. That's the current board of directors and I can tell you that NONE of them own Mamhead House. Secondly, the ...

Dawlish boundaries
10 Mar 2012

I think you mean Love Lane which runs behind the houses from the main Teignmouth/Dawlish road and then comes out on the lane above the fields that then run down into Mules Park. The wall has been repaired in various places over the last 15 years because various sections of it became unstable. In some places it has been lowered, in others just strengthened. The whole path runs in a sort of gully ...

Unless YOU directly affected by this change, why do you need to know so many details? If it means that those who need larger houses, who are currently squeezed into smaller properties can benefit by these changes, then the inconvenience of having to more slightly out of area for those who have had the benefit of a larger property when they needed it but who can now downsize because that need ...

No Lynne you are not quite grown up, you just want to guilt people into the idea that they are not allowed to have a bit of fun, enjoying a special occasion, without feeling the need to put their hand in their pocket yet again for a charity collection. You have no knowledge of the financial situation of a lot of people who will be celebrating, yet you would be quite happy for them to have to pay ...

2 Mar 2012

Lynne - how easy you find it to "defend the defenceless poor downtrodden people" and then without any hint of irony you have a go at a women in her 80s who has had her life planned out for her, pretty much since birth, and has never been able to make her own choices but has devoted her life and energy to serving her country in the best way she can, or is it the fact that in her ancestry she has ...

Around The Courts
2 Mar 2012

Why not name and shame people? If you've nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about with this thread, and if it makes Nelson feel better after what has happened to him, then what is the problem with that. If it makes just one person think twice about committing "petty" crime, then that can only be a good thing.

Really? So that tunnel the Victorians started to build under the Channel is just a figment of our imaginations then? I'm sorry but that is just such a daft statement.

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