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General Discussion

@S The great thing about the internet is that you can read a wide range of publications, and mostly for free.  I even read the Guardian and Indy, just to keep an eye on what the enemy is up to.

10 Apr 2019

I see Scapegoat is peddling racist insults.

10 Apr 2019

Brexit has been betrayed because we have had a Remain Prime Minister and a Remain parliament doing their utmost to ensure it failed. Surprisingly, the DM has run an article today highlighting the hypocrisy of MPs who professed support for the referendum result but then did their damndest to overturn it. ...

10 Apr 2019

Schneider is a Remoaning bore, I would suggest he sticks to comedy but he's not very good at that either.

Pardon me for having been born, grown up and worked in a white country.  I am so privileged and really don't deserve anything I have achieved.

10 Apr 2019

Shall we play BS bingo with what S is posting?

10 Apr 2019

We're talking about a chocolate duck for christ's sake.  The asteroid can't come soon enough.

Now Anne Marie Morris has hinted she will vote for a Brexit party if we are forced to take part in the EU elections.  The Tory party really is falling apart at the seams.

Try using an insult that only applies to black people and see how long it takes PC Plod to come knocking on your door.

Gammon is an insult aimed at white people, of course it is racist.

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