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General Discussion

Residents of the Warren need to write en-mass to the Department of Transport to object and report the road as now being unfit for purpose and dangerous. If investigation concludes that DCC made the changes without first submitting plans and an application for a TRO then our local council need to take legal action. It is still an offence to obstruct the Queens highway. The offence not only applies ...

Mini Golf Mystery
21 Jan 2017

Do you think the council should pave this wiberly woobly way with Yellow bricks so it compares with the fantasy world of the Wizard of Oz. Because if they seriously believe that cyclists are the answer to rejuvinating the towns businesses and fortunes then thats the kind of fantasy land they must live in. Would the town manager be the Scarecrow, Lion or Tin man?

21 Jan 2017

Theyll be hoping for a cycle hire shop like the imaginary one they suposedly gave planning consent for at the Warren Toilets. TDC live in some kind of cloud cuckoo land

Well isent this what the cycle path investment is all about . Preventing motorised transport travelling arond and through the town centre. You can bet your life the incompetent, over paid, brainless planners responsible havent a clue how big a coach, lorry or bus actualy is. Perhaps Stagecoach should consider turning buses around at John Nash Drive and Sandy Lane thus avoiding Dawlish centre ...

Mini Golf Mystery
21 Jan 2017

Another stupid waste of public money cycle path. When is the madness going to stop. Funny thing is there will be nothing left of the town centre for the massive influx of visitors promised by this huge wasted investment. Herer's a list of latest business closers being talked about - Bastins, Stokes, The Monkey House, Snooky Trust, Witches Bowl plus one or two clothes shops and maybe others. ...

The whole cycle path project is nothing but a complete joke. Tax payers money being wasted on ill conceved schemes just for the sake of it. There has been no traffic monitoring carried out prior to construction so the effects on ease of road use is totally unknown. We need this forthcoming summer season close monitoring of the increase in visitors and financial benifit to the towns traders which ...

Snow in Teignbridge
13 Jan 2017

Its a very special machine, designed for clearing the cycle paths that nobody uses

13 Jan 2017

Council Tax set to rise as TDC make emergency snow plough investment

Operation Stack
4 Jan 2017

Apparently there is a new collection point just outside the front doors of Forde House. Comments noted from members of TDC staff include the bin men do a really good job considering its such a thankless task. Maybe they dont get paid as much as Ms Bullneck hence their lack of job satisfaction.

17 Dec 2016

Japanese rules - no proof of parking permit from local authority at your property then car ownership registration not permitted at that address. Better still force developers including those doing flat conversions to provide at least one off road parking space for each bedroom created.

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