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General Discussion

"is not necessarily affordable at all." Ergo, it's not necessarily unaffordable either! If they were unaffordable, then wouldn't they all be empty??? They're not, therefore the occupants must have enough money to afford to live there! Logically speaking...

12 May 2012

Lynne, have you looked up the definition of affordable housing? If you did, then you wouldn't need to keep up the affectation of using single quotes around the word. There's really no need. As for this particular proposal, the landowner's field couldn't fit in more than 11 dwellings, that's why only 11 are being built - otherwise the landowner would want to build 14 surely?

12 May 2012

Rest assured that the Conservative's disgraceful attack on our country, enshrined within their national planning policy framework, will mean that the proposals will be passed. This country has got worse since the tories and their lapdogs lied their way into government. God help us all if they survive the full 5-year term.

12 May 2012

A maximum of 14 dwellings, apparently.

Petrol at sainsburys
11 May 2012

Steady on tiger! ;-) No-one told me anything. I genuinely asked you how much it is at the petrol station that you champion on here, but only because I don't know. I have no vested interest.

@MoH. Who did they say they were to you? I was told they are a business beginning with "L", and I had no reason to disbelieve them or their claim of being 'involved' locally for 12 years. I would be interested to know who you think they are and then why they would hide their identity.

11 May 2012

On the way home from the supermarket, I visited the exhibition tonight, and was pleased to see that many others had also turned up with an open mind. I overheard one enlightening conversation between a Shutterton Lane resident and a Shutterton Park rep, telling them to ignore DARE as they oppose everything and only speak on behalf of a tiny minority of town residents!!! And this from someone ...

Petrol at sainsburys
11 May 2012

Petrol at Countess Wear is only a penny cheaper than at our Saino's. It's the same price as our Saino's at the privately owned 'BP' garage at the Matford roundabout. MoH, how much is it at your privately-owned 'Texaco' garage?

So thats what all the racket was about. What on earth was she doing up there at that time of the morning???

I hope that when the police find out the identity of the juvenile prat responsible for yesterday's extreme waste of police resource, that they use the full force of the law against them. Not even funny.

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