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General Discussion

Dawlish Plum
25 Jul 2012

No, I'm not being personal!  However today I've discovered that there's a colour called Dawlish Plum. So has Dawlish in the past been famous for its plums?  Of the fruit kind of course.

If only we could have a referendum on changing the 'first past the post' system eh? Oh...

So, not including building costs, that's just £126,300 per dwelling. Having a private beach is priceless...

21 Jul 2012

And, of course, no homes have ever been built on orchards or green-ish fields...

Makes one wonder why anyone would want to move to Dawlish.  Your opinion is very similar to your previous views about the fantastic Sandpiper development at the Warren...

Why not Don?   Of course the independant councillors were democratically elected, by a significant majority too! Unlike the ConDem national government.

21 Jul 2012

@Don. I neither know nor care who that company is!  Though I will say that I'm very much in favour of their proposals - having taken the time and trouble to review them at the brilliant Red Rock Centre a couple or so months ago. What perturbs me more is the fact that someone who claims to be moving here, already has an overt agenda against this proposal and our democratically elected ...

21 Jul 2012

Some posts on this little thread seem to have been deleted. Pourquoi?

For someone from up country, judging by your knowledge of local matters, you sure have done your research. Though whether Dawlish needs, ahem, 'another' resident who uses every opportunity to gush about their alleged bank balance, well perhaps only a Frontera driver could answer that?

20 Jul 2012

I'm going to hold my hands up and admit to being completely wrong about this!  I paid a visit to the newly opened complex this evening and have to say that it's truly fantastic!!  Well done to all concerned, and sorry for being a Doubting Thomas.

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