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Mystery of Shutterton Park Limited revealed...

18 Jul 2012 16:06

I think a company called Black Country Properties is behind this company which I think is controlled by Guernsey-based Charles Billson.


He is behind a similarly controversial scheme near Wigan called Northleigh Park:


There is a huge amount of local anger towards his scheme like there is here in Devon. See their LeighLife forum for details.


Get in touch with details id you have them....

18 Jul 2012 16:52

and your point is ?


18 Jul 2012 17:07

My point is that it was unclear who was behind the scheme. It's a Guernsey-based sompany controlled by Charles Billson who is doing the same thing to the people of Leigh near Wigan.


I thought you were against the planning application?

18 Jul 2012 17:43

Yes, you already said who is behind what, but what is this scheme you are referring to?

18 Jul 2012 18:02

Hi Carer, the Shutteron Park scheme:

18 Jul 2012 18:35

Im not against any planning application, homes need to be built and as Sainsburys have built a supermarket there a precedence has been set

2 Agrees
18 Jul 2012 22:59

This area desperately needs housing, the sooner the better.

3 Agrees
19 Jul 2012 06:05

Question, I cannot find a planning application for this site, has one been submitted ?

Sainsburys was built as an out of town development, (lower business rates) surrounding it by houses would increase their business rates.

The downside to a proposal of such a size is the impact on the local holiday parks whilst works are being undertaken, loss of business and ultimately the loss in business to the shops, in the long term increased traffic on Exeter Road, may well see more out of town shops.

May I ask why Wriggler why do you think the area is in desperate need of housing.

Quick search reveals over 400 houses for sale and over 50 for rent

With a population of approx 13500, households being approx 6000

benefit claimants higher than the Devon and national averages

Unemployment higher than the Devon average

Over 50% of the population is over 40 years old

30% being over 60

What type of desperate housing is needed and the quantity ????????


Lynne you need to get involved again,

May i suggest if you have issues with housing for local people then maybe planning permissions should have 106 agreements on them.

Just maybe this would give people what they think they want.


19 Jul 2012 08:15


Did you say that with your tongue firmly in your cheek or do you really think I am that influential? If the latter, then would that I were!

At the moment the TDC requirement for affordable housing is 30% in developments of 14 units or over (the % requirement is lower in the more rural parts of Teignbridge - it is 30% for Dawlish, T'mouth and N.Abbot).


However, what % of affordables are offered by the developer at the planning application stage and what eventually gets built more often than not isn't the same. Surprise, surprise it is invariably lower. 


Personally I don't think housing should be built to the side and behind Sainsbury's. Neither does the the Dawlish Steering Group that was set up to put forward how they think Dawlish should be developed. But hey, what they and I think (and what anyone else thinks) is, bottom line, irrelevant. 

How much housing should get built is decided by the projected need for houses in the Teignbridge area over the next 20 years.  What that number should be and what stats are used to arrive at it is a matter of dispute - witness what is going on in Teignbridge at the moment re the projected numbers.

Where this housing will be built depends on what land is made available (that is up to the present owners of course) and whether or not its location is deemed suitable for housing (decided by planning policies, topography of the land and other factors).  


With regard to the proposed Shutterton development. Although in the draft Dawlish Plan (compiled by the Dawlish Steering Group) it was put forward that the land should be used for purposes other than housing, the land has in fact been designated for housing by the planners at TDC. A look at the Teignbridge wide draft Core Strategy will bear out that statement. More to the point, the independent Examiner who looked at all of this back in April has also said that houses should be built on the Shutterton site.


So, do I think anyone has any hope in hell of stopping this particular housing development?




19 Jul 2012 08:37

Re Teignbride wide housing numbers. See page 8 of this week's (18.7.12) Dawlish Gazette.

19 Jul 2012 09:14

Why would anyone want to stop this development? On their website the plan is really nice. Plus 800 new jobs - excellent news!

2 Agrees
19 Jul 2012 09:24

@Andysport, i appreciate you are moving here but is this a case of another inner city dweller wanting to stop any developement because they are trying to get away from built up areas and dont want anything here. what about people that were born and bred here and would like to move into something more affordable than what they have, i think we need teign housing to get together with these developers and purchase the 30% for social housing. there are too many greedy private landlords in this area

19 Jul 2012 10:33

Social housing should be discouraged. Handouts never help anyone in the end.

With the 800 jobs there will be no need for any MORE social housing.

19 Jul 2012 11:19

Paul, youve been misinformed it's not 800 jobs for the area it's the equivalent of 800 x 1700hrs of work for 1 year most of this will be for builders, are you a bricklayer ?, if not you probably won't benefit much.

Social housing is a benefit, however handouts do work they help people immensly, sometimes they are abused and this is where the systems fail.

Unless you earn and have earned all your life at least the average wage (currently £27,000) then you are a net taker not a net giver to the whole benefits system.


19 Jul 2012 11:33

Brazilnut, most interesting, as I nor my family have anything to hide here goes, we are moving from a tiny village in Worcestershire (3 shops) to Dawlish. We built a business up over 27 years employ local people and have now sold it safeguarding their future employment. We are moving to Dawlish to a property that needs some work (therefore bringing our money to your trades people), we are buying a business that currently only employs staff from outside of the Dawlish area, (maybe if we are not really welcome by Dawlish people we should continue to employ from out of town). We are moving to Dawlish for business, shock, horror I hear you say, "that's down right disgusting" i'm sure. Lol

We are currently looking at business units in order to set up an entirely new business as well, but if local people don't want the likes of us to do that then we will look at Exeter.

We all want more affordable, I would like to pay 50% of what I really am paying, can you have a word with my seller please. Lol

Greedy lanlords your not an accountant are you.


House £165,000   Mortgage £700 per month interest only

Rent £750 - 10% letting fees = £675 per month

What about empty periods, gas check, insurance, repairs

Please explain which calculations you used to form an opinion of greedy.

Next you'll be saying doctors don't deserve £100,000 a year.



19 Jul 2012 11:39

Social housing, it's for local people to make an informed decision about what is needed in the area and to then put this forward as part of the planning permission.

If you want social housing then, put forward for a covenant in the permission, If you think these homes will be sold as second homes then put a covenant in for that use only this will in turn lower the value of the property.

It's not rocket science it just needs working at and informed decisions.

19 Jul 2012 11:48

Lynne, I think from your posts that you care for the community that you are intelligent and that you try to be as informed about subjects as much as you can.

The 30% in recent months locals in certain areas are employing solicitors to draft agreements prior to planning which binds the council to enforce the original permission.

Having looked into Shutterton site I see little reason for a developer to forsee an issue with developing this site.

Personally, it will have little impact on the property that we are buying, the farmers fields to the rear of our new home are somewhat protected, because we own the driveway.

(so sorry to be blunt but were alright Jack)

However if I can help the community to reach an outcome that they would like then I will do my upmost to help.

May I suggest that we actually find out what people, businesses and the council want, then determine what is actually needed then the steering group have something to actually steer.

19 Jul 2012 11:50

Just to through caution to the wind if any farmers / land owners in the Shutterton area wish to sell their land (at agriculutural prices) I will gladly purchase it.


19 Jul 2012 12:57

"May I suggest that we actually find out what people, businesses and the council want, then determine what is actually needed then the steering group have something to actually steer."


A public consultation in Dawlish based on what you are suggesting above started off, I'd say some 24/30 months ago now. It culminated in the Steering Group being formed a la the provisions in the Localism Act.


Problem was, and is, that what the Steering Group came out with didn't necessarily fit in with what the new national planning policies dictate, the housing figures that TDC planners say Dawlish should have, and, most significantly, what the land behind Sainsbury's leading down to Dawlish Warren should be used for.  


This idea of yours concerning developers being legally bound to provide a certain % of affordable might want to suggest it the Dawlish district councillor who leads on the regeneration of the town - Cllr Rosalind Prowse.     

19 Jul 2012 15:16

Planning is merely guidelines not law, therefore their are no set rules, if someone comes up with a suggestion the council have an obligation to look at it therefore may i suggest the steering group looks at CC owned land in the area (vast amount) that is rented out at a very low rent and suggest that maybe a development take place in this area, this could be viable for social housing as some councils have done a deal with builders i.e build x amount social housing council owned they get x plots for themselves no cash exchange.

The legal bound provision is against the council to ensure developers don't short change us not against the developer. I don't think Mrs Prowse will want to discuss this line of enquiry.

An added bonus why not offer all the unemployed training in the building industry if all this building work may take place.


19 Jul 2012 15:45

Andysport - suggest you write letter to local paper - Dawlish Gazette - re what you are suggesting above. Your thoughts/proposals would get a much wider audience there than the threads on here do.  

19 Jul 2012 16:21

you are really in your stride now, Andysport whatever happened to the enquiries about caravan etcwink

19 Jul 2012 17:35

Well you see I like a bit of controversy, and a challenge, I do like putting the council or solicitors noses out of place.

We still need a caravan as temporary living accomodation whilst we undertake the works on our home.

I am aware that we don't live in Dawlish yet, we still have the communities interests to think about.

If we can do anything to help we will.


Anyway do you still think we are still some of them city dweller types  

19 Jul 2012 17:42

No I dont think you are a city dweller type, but something tells me you are having a bit of fun and that you have been posting on here for some time now under another guise, lol

19 Jul 2012 17:50

Guess what B'nut. I find myself in agreement with you yet again!

Andysport - I wonder,  is there any chance you can tell us what this business is that you've bought in Dawlish? I'm sure we would all like to know given as you say you would be looking to employ Dawlish people.   

1 Agree
19 Jul 2012 21:40

I have not posted under any other name

When we exchange contracts I will happily tell you which business and property, should be a week Monday

A bit of fun = I am enjoying being involved and I certainly enjoy the thought that we maybe able to cause a bit of an issue down at the council.

I have sat for 2 hours this evening reading probably 600 pages of law, property, land and permissions, covenants and overages all to do with Dawlish now if you don't want my input either now or in the future just say so and I will go away, I have enough things in my life already to keep me occupied. (don't be concerned you haven't offended me, I understand your concerns)

Again none of the planning applications or proposed applications will adversley impact on our property, our view or our business so my interests are purely for the good of other people.

20 Jul 2012 07:58

Well now, if you can read some 600 pages of anything in two hours let alone 600 pages of heavy going legal documents then indeed you must be someone to be reckoned with.

I look forward to all being revealed in a week or so.   

1 Agree
20 Jul 2012 10:01

A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma  ..... but perhaps there is a key

20 Jul 2012 11:42

Hey we have an educated man amongst us 'neilh'

A form of Winston Churchill's quotation, made in a radio broadcast in October 1939:

"I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia.

It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key.

That key is Russian national interest."

Well neilh are you a Churchill fan, a man of quotations, or a fake trying to look intelligent.?????????  Lol

Lynne, as you are aware most legal paperwork is repetitive, is repetitive, is repetitive, and therefore one doesn't need to read every word. I'm but a humble man of humble upbringings,

I am not 'system' stereotypical,

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you imagined”

– Henry David Thoreau

Hope you all have a lovely day, we will be in Dawlish on Saturday again, so look out for strangers, it maybe us.

As an added thought, though I have already mentioned this, we went into Dawlish Tourist information last weekend, recommendation for dinner, only Teighnmouth restaurants recommended. Maybe local businesses should be concerned about this.

20 Jul 2012 19:10


Thy posts so reverend and strong,

Why shouldst thou think

I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink?



Don Pearson
Don Pearson
21 Jul 2012 19:07

I do like to see a measure of erudition in the banter.


My apologies for returning to the main topic, but as both Nelson and MugOnHead seem convinced that they know who Shutterton Park Ltd really are, why do they not enlighten us, poor benighted heathens as we are?

21 Jul 2012 19:20


1 Agree
21 Jul 2012 19:37

jools guess what I understand you lololololol

21 Jul 2012 20:45

Some posts on this little thread seem to have been deleted. Pourquoi?

21 Jul 2012 20:51

@Don. I neither know nor care who that company is!  Though I will say that I'm very much in favour of their proposals - having taken the time and trouble to review them at the brilliant Red Rock Centre a couple or so months ago. 

What perturbs me more is the fact that someone who claims to be moving here, already has an overt agenda against this proposal and our democratically elected independent council. 

1 Agree
21 Jul 2012 21:00

Nelson surprise surprise I agree

1 Agree
Don Pearson
Don Pearson
21 Jul 2012 22:03


From the other current thread on this topic:

"By the way, I asked questions as to who SP are, and was satisfied by the answer received."

If you didn't care, why did you ask? If you were satisfied by the answer, how do you not know?


For myself, I have no agenda, whatever that of other posters. I merely find it disturbing that it seems so difficult to find hard information about a company whose proposals for the area are of such significance, which claims to have been active locally for some years and for whom Google searches reveal nothing of any value. A search at Companies House does not list the name. 


Clearly someone must know who they are. Were I to live in Dawlish, I might feel concerned enough to ask someone who appears to have an agenda for the proposal or my "democratically elected" independent council. Sorry. I can't bring myself to write that without the quotation marks. 

21 Jul 2012 22:29

Why not Don?   Of course the independant councillors were democratically elected, by a significant majority too! Unlike the ConDem national government. 


21 Jul 2012 22:56

Nelson, If you write with fact to myself, I am not against any development nor any political party, all that I do not like is the unfairness that ensues, I therefore offer my support to the people who have a serious issue with either named.


Don Pearson
Don Pearson
21 Jul 2012 23:07

My views apply both to local and national politics and I was not commenting on the composition of Dawlish Town Council. I shall not elaborate here, other than to say that I am prepared to use the expression legally elected without quotation marks. 


The last sentence of my previous post was a frivolous end to an otherwise serious item. I am interested in any comments that you may have.

22 Jul 2012 08:40

If only we could have a referendum on changing the 'first past the post' system eh? Oh...

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
22 Jul 2012 08:51

I might say more if I thought you were interested in my opinions. As it is, you are sniping and missing.

30 Jul 2012 16:29

Is there a local protest group fighting the development?

30 Jul 2012 20:39

@Andysport. as per your post on 19 July 21:40, it's now "a week on monday", so are you in a position to share your venture with us?

30 Jul 2012 21:19

Yer give us some info .

31 Jul 2012 21:15

I fear not, the solicitors feel it's their duty to at least look like they are to earn their cloth, someone somewhere earning but one gold coin a day has missed a dot or an I either way i'm sure this will take but two weeks of our life and yet more of our savings.

alas one will tell all when the time comes, it is no great mystery nor of much excitement I'm sure.


31 Jul 2012 22:41

oh behave @Andysport - you're far too modest.  It's not often that we have a multi-millionaire entrepreneur in our midst! i'm sure that i speak for many when i say that i can't wait for the fanfare of the official launch of the Dawlish branch of your empire.  Those heathens that say you're full of shit will be proven wrong, of that i'm sure. 

Looking forward to your update in a fortnight......

1 Agree
31 Jul 2012 23:35

More like bullshit.

01 Aug 2012 04:33

It amazes me how people make assumptions, who ever mentioned wealth, so where did multi millionaire come from ????

Entrepreneur, well I thank you for the compliment however I fear not, merely just chosen self employment rather than employment during my life.

Dawlish branch, It's an existing business

Empire, No sir semi retirement.

Full of, well, well,  judgemental I see,

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not

Don't worry as worrying is about as affective as trying to solve an algerbra equation by chewing, bubble gum.

Whatever you do don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either, your choices are half chance, so are everybody elses.

01 Aug 2012 09:56

Todays Gazette another 250 homes proposed for Gatehouse Farm (landowner Devon Swan Holidays)

01 Aug 2012 13:59

@Andysport.  at last, good to find another mathematician in the community here - we're a rare breed aren't we.  perhaps you can help.  do you know of any integer solutions to x3 + y3 = z3    ?

01 Aug 2012 17:50

I'm no mathematician myself, but I know of a girl with a dragon tattoo who might be able to help......

01 Aug 2012 18:59

I'm not a mathematian,.. far from it, .....folks who know me would have a bit of a hoot at the idea.

But google tells me the answer would be zilch. But I might be making myself appear silly saying that :-)

I don't get the sniping at Andysport. Maybe he's genuinine (didn't occur to me otherwise) maybe he's not.

I'm enjoying his posts though, whether his plans are genuine or not means not not a great deal to me, Though if genuine, I wish hin the greatest success, and would help if I could.


I guess time will tell!


Good luck Andysport, 'cos at the end of the day, this is just a message board!



01 Aug 2012 20:09

Philip, I completely get where you're coming from, but anyone who comes onto a public messageboard bragging about their wealth is, I'm afraid, fair sport. Even moreso when they appear not to realise that they're doing so!

After all, it's only a messageboard.

It's a pity that certain others don't remember that very point. If they wish to post on a public messageboard, then those certain others should expect to be responded to - and shouldn't start bitching and being insanely paranoid just because someone takes the mickey or plays devil's advocate. 

01 Aug 2012 20:14

Lol Nelson, stop baiting laughlaugh

01 Aug 2012 20:45

Sorry Brazilnut. :-)

01 Aug 2012 21:09

Lol Nelson, stop baiting laughlaugh


Sorry Brazilnut. :-)


Can I join your gang?



01 Aug 2012 22:18

You have to undertake the initiation ceremony first Phil. ;-)

02 Aug 2012 09:25

Ive just realised that in my household we have 1pc/2netbooks/1ipad/1iphone all with different ip addresses surprise

02 Aug 2012 10:58

Don't tell you know who that!  He/she will be whipping him/herself into a frenzy of paranoia!!!! :-)

02 Aug 2012 13:46

"in my household we have 1pc/2netbooks/1ipad/1iphone"


Who's bragging now! ;-)

02 Aug 2012 13:58

Im not bragging Im referring to Webmaster post a few days ago!!!!!!!!


02 Aug 2012 14:22

:-(  Thought you had a sense of humour!


02 Aug 2012 15:43

Having a sense of humourless day!!! lol

02 Aug 2012 16:44

I have 1 laptop, no iphone, no netbooks, no ipads

So I must be very poor in comparison to ye all

02 Aug 2012 17:22

@Andysport i said im my household not me personally

02 Aug 2012 18:33

I can probably rustle up some soup for you Andysport, if it would help :-)

1 Agree
03 Aug 2012 13:29

Soup, oh thanks, I bet ye all have houses to live in as well, we will be living in a static caravan.


All the gadgets I was on about are our complete household, I don't do gadgets.

03 Aug 2012 16:44

"Static caravan" ....... you were lucky"  I lived in a  .....................

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