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General Discussion

7 Jun 2020

@DEEDOODLE The government won't do anything as it might upset the BLM movement, and any other immigrant who opposes it. WLM.

@  burnside OK, Ali & Kinnock broke the rules, but did they have anything to do with Lockdown Rules? The argument here is that Cummings broke his OWN rules

25 May 2020

The tory government, the 'govenrment for the PEOPLE' have now shown their TRUE colours. One rule for the rich, and stuff everyone else. As for tit for tat, Cummings helped MAKE THE RULES! People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones or go on long journeys.

24 May 2020

@leatash There is no point now in complaining because good old Boris stands by Cummings so that means that anyone can do anything and go anywhere. The Police have lost all authority now to turn back anyone who appears to be in breach of lockdown ruling.

24 May 2020

One rule for the rich, another rule for the rest. Good old tories, standing by what they ALWAYS believe in.

24 May 2020

"If you or someone you live with has symptoms of coronavirus: do not leave your home for any reason " Unless you are a Tory MP.

Well done Boris, you and you so called scientific advisors (inc Trump?) are complete idiots in making us open to the higher infection rate. Stay HOME and NOT stay Alert.

14 May 2020

@leatash You don't have to be a non tory to dislike Boris the Minion, as I know of people who were staunch tories and cannot stand him. (Minions. :- They mostly speak incomprehensible gibberish .)

11 May 2020

Well done Boris for opening up the flood-gates for all the high infected areas to visit the mildly infected south west. IDIOT!!!!!!!! You are as bad as the other idiot across the atlantic. Surprised you didn't tell us to start injecting ourselves with disinfectant.

11 May 2020

'Stay at Home' or 'Staying Alert'. No matter how you dress it up, it still won't reach the mindless morons who completely disregard the 2m social distancing or Lockdown.

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