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11 Nov 2020 13:01

What a coincidence Pfizer established a lab in Wuhan in 2009 to extend its current facilities at the time in Shanghai. With the purpose of liaising with local research institutes.


90 percent effective, but of the 40,000 plus participants over 90 percent were given the placebo.

They were going to carry out a trial on children as yound as 12, but the vaccine is only going to be given to adults!


Considering the deploarable way my diabetes issues have been dealt with this year or should I say not dealt with including the yearly blood tests and eye checks. They can stick their flu and covid vaccines where the sun doesnt shine.

I have been shopping every 2 weeks since Jan and gone from a respirator mask to not wearing anything on my face to having to wear a cloth mask. In all this time, 11 months nearly and counting, all i have experienced on occassion is swollen glands and a sore throat with a bit of eye pain and a few head aches.

If someone wants to take this rushed vaccine which enables your body to create part/all of the protein the virus uses to enter and infect the human body then so be it. Remeber this type of vaccine is cutting edge research not proven in any long term way such as the flu vaccine has been over many years.


7 Agrees
11 Nov 2020 15:29

Bring it on i will certainly be in the queue with my sleeve rolled up the sooner the better as far as i am concerned.

6 Agrees
11 Nov 2020 17:20

Interesting article about Mrna covid vaccine and your body.

4 Agrees
11 Nov 2020 17:24

@leatash.... I would be interested to hear how it goes. How about a weekly entry on how your body reacts or not to the creation of the covid spike protein in your body.

3 Agrees
04 Feb 2021 10:17

I have recieved my first jab this morning at 0915 and i feel great the staff at Dawlish Hospital where very organised just need the second one now i will keep you informed DEEDOODLE.

3 Agrees
04 Feb 2021 11:18

I had NO problem with my diabetic retinal screening and my annual blood test. BOTH were carried out on schedule. 

As for the vaccine, my 82 y/o neighbour had her first jab some weeks ago and has no side effects whatsoever, and she is in poor health.

I can't wait to have mine, not just for my sake but to also help protect others should I get C19.

2 Agrees
12 Feb 2021 19:19

Got my first jab on Sunday 14th. Can't wait. smileysmileysmiley

1 Agree
13 Feb 2021 08:37

DEEDOODLE   Just over a week since my first jab had a bit of a stuffy nose about 4 hours after i had it and felt very tired  but within a hour i was back to my normal grumpy as ever self. So i would say a very mild reaction certainly nothing to worry about and i urge everyone when you are called to roll up your sleeve and get vaccinated.

1 Agree
13 Feb 2021 10:33

I know several that have had it with no problems other than a slightly sore arm. Looking forward to having mine.

1 Agree
14 Feb 2021 12:36

As over 99 percent of the population has not died from covid and the majority dont even realise they have/had covid and the average age of those who die WITH covid is around 82.5 years of age with underlying health issues I see little reason in taking the jab myself.

I will not take an experimental vaccine that has only been minimally tested over a few months that has been rushed out on emergency authorisation to 100's of millions of people. The test group for Pfizers vaccine was supposedly tested on around 4k test subjects with the rest of the 40 or so thousand getting placebos. The age range for this test group was 18 to 55 and healthy with no underlying health issues.

In my opinion the government and the vaccine companies are continuing their trials on the u.k. population with future roll outs to encompass groups that were not tested during the initial control trials, a potentially dangerous course to take.

Why is flu down by 98 percent over the last few years? why are the ONS death totals not much different to ten years ago?

In my opinion there seems to be one constant to this COVID scenario and that is everyone has to be injected.

I expect in the coming months a digital covid passport/pass will be issued to those who have been injected which will allow access/travel to more places than those who do not have the injection.

As to lockdowns, I do not see this ending anytime soon as it is fuelled by positive tests from pcr/linear tests that, in my opinion, are less accurate than a coin toss. Currently the government are ramping up testing on a large scale so they should be able to dramatically increase the current decline in positive tests.

I wish all good health for the future and postive thoughts for an end to this tyrannical madness.


Oh, just one last thing, I see heathrow is doing well at the moment with flights in and out to New York, Dubai, Osaka, stockholm, Chicago and Washington among others this morning.


5 Agrees
14 Feb 2021 18:49
14 Feb 2021 18:51
14 Feb 2021 19:36

@ Deedoodle


OK, so you are totally against it, as you keep mouthing off about it, and everyone is so fed up with your negative opinion.


If you think it so unreal, then why not go into a Covid ward in RD&E without a mask and give everyone in there a proper kiss on the lips?


You obviously won't because you will be too scared and if that is the case, then why don't you just SHUT UP and keep your so negative opinions to yourself and do us all a favour.

6 Agrees
14 Feb 2021 19:47

@Carer.......what a child like attitude, tsk, tsk.

I have not said the virus does not exist as in other posts I have detailed the levels I have gone to not to contract it. 

If I wish to comment on this site and stay within the guide lines I most surely will.


2 Agrees
15 Feb 2021 08:53
15 Feb 2021 18:37
17 Feb 2021 22:23

How's it going all you government sheeples especially Carer. Hope you all enjoyed your covid jabs and you now consider yourselves immune to this virus. Unfortunatly for the rest of us, the ones with brains you lot have now become secret spreaders and are in fact now a danger to us. You are not immune you can and most probably will become infected only due to the jab you will treat it as a minor cold and carry on, which means you will undoubtly pass it onto others including your family members. If you consider this trail drug injection as safe and sound perhaps you should research the facts. Its not a vaccine as it dosent prevent infection, its experimental and will remain so until at least 2023, thinking it will ensure your able to travel and holiday as normal is not true as any attempt to instigate such rules would be classed as discrimination and is still covered by EU human rights laws, ask yourself why the drug companies, the government, and the NHS have all declared themselves to be 100% immune to liability and prosecution should this experiment go horribly wrong, remember Thalidimide. You are all being brainwashed by a government who corrupt the media and have made this virus far worse by their mistakes. Remember the first lockdown, no need for masks they didnt work and were not considered. That was before the government gave multi-million pound contracts to their favorite companies who then ordered tons of cheap and nasty untested PPE from China, and suddenly we all have to mask up. Same with the anti-covid drug, only became relevant after the government pre-ordered millions of doses costing millions of pounds to the tax payer and now its being forced on the people. To finish look into the government covid 2020 act which comprises of all the rules for imposing the restrictions which are bankrupting busineses, destroying the NHS, preventing travel, and creating the highest number of unemployed this country as ever seen. and remember this act has never progressed into law as legally required. Anyway keep safe everyone and dont worry to much about how we are going to pay back the the current £290 billion debt of borrowed money this Chinese flu virus has cost to date. The first clues will be seen in the budget next month.

6 Agrees
17 Feb 2021 22:49

I really feel sorry for you FredBasset.

4 Agrees
17 Feb 2021 23:31
18 Feb 2021 09:34


No need to feel sorry for me Im to old to be worried either way. The people you need to feel sorry for are the young families with children missing out on education, parents losing their jobs and the likelyhood of their homes. Not to mention the self employed losing their busineses and the big high street names going under. What about the cancer sufferers unable to get treatment, the million or so waiting for routine surgery to help improve their lives, closed A&E units and day care centres. Then to top it all as said previously who and how is the current £290 billion pound debt going to be repaid when the country becomes effectively bankrupt. Look at the financial times for a clue because whilst covid remains the headline behind the scenes all the real money people and their companies are leaving Britain like rats leaving a sinking ship. All that will be left will be the 1.5 million illegal imigrants currently roaming the country untraceable and the corrupt Chinese property owners all forming part of an invasion our past generations fought and gave their lives to protect us from. But dont open your eyes to the bigger picture just write about how happy you all are because youve all had a JAB you know nothing about, for a virus you know even less about. Selfish Idiots !!!!

6 Agrees
Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda
18 Feb 2021 09:41

@FredBassett    A whisper in the storm I'm afraid.  In a time of advanced technology when most have access to the World's knowledge and information. People are more ignorant and deluded than ever.

4 Agrees
Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda
18 Feb 2021 09:45

@leatash     but your arguement doesnt detract from the fact that the vaccines are not going to stop the spread of the virus strains. People will have the vaccines thinking they are immune and will be able to go back to normal life. The next 12 months will bring into focus life has and will be changed forever. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY.

5 Agrees
18 Feb 2021 12:31

@ FredBasset

Yes, I am very pleased and happy that I have had my first jab.

I'm glad that I don't live next door to you or you will be spitting venom at me every time you see me.


I feel sorry for you and the way you look at life.

You must be great fun to live with. frown

Enjoy your sad, miserable little life.

7 Agrees
18 Feb 2021 18:16

I think it's been made very clear that being vaccinated doesnt stop you getting covid but will stop you being seriously ill and will dramatically cut the amount of people dying taking pressure of the NHS. 

3 Agrees
18 Feb 2021 18:49


As posted earlier it dosent worry me either way. I have a great fun filled life with a large loving caring family and a massive circle of freinds, customers and colleages not only here in Devon but over in Germany, Sweden, Demark and Spain. Im lucky I suppose in lots of ways educated, debt free, property and business owner with money in the bank. Basically Im pretty free to do as I please within the law which dosent include the covid 2020 act which unfortunatly for some has not been put foward to become UK law and will soon have to be withdrawn. So there you are Carer the people with sad, miserable little lives are the ones who think like you, sat in your little boxes shitting yourself because you have nothing better to do than watch the BBC news and take all the government led crap in like a sponge. Anyway thanks on behalf of the giant pharmacutical companies for taking part in their experimental drug trials free of charge and enjoy your lockdown


5 Agrees
22 Feb 2021 20:03
22 Feb 2021 22:27
23 Feb 2021 04:59


I'm pretty much at a loss to respond to your bile.

What a sad, dismissive, hideous, unempathetic, disgusting human you must be!

Remember......there are no pockets in shrouds. 


6 Agrees
23 Feb 2021 19:23

Hopefully we will have to have a covid status certificate that allows you to travel go to the pub attend large family gatherings etc etc ,and those who refuse to have the vaccine will be excluded from those activities the rest of us will be able once again to enjoy.

2 Agrees
23 Feb 2021 20:04


What do you mean by a covid status certificate?  Having the vaccine doesn't stop anybody from getting the virus or passing it on to others, hence the government is telling people who have had the vaccine to still abide by all the restrictions.

3 Agrees
23 Feb 2021 21:00
24 Feb 2021 11:14

@leatash....i find your comments worrying. The few on this site that ruin it for everyone else who would wish to participtae is very evident. It seems only this little cabal of vipers views matter and how dare anyone else give an opinion without being sprayed with venom.

3 Agrees
24 Feb 2021 12:16

Always remember folks....opinions are like ar*eho*es ...everybody''s got one.!!!

1 Agree
24 Feb 2021 18:13

DEEDOODLE, Is Government not looking  if it would be possible to have a covid passport,  some employers have already made it clear that they will only employ those who are vaccinated. Countries like Spain,Greece,Portugal,and Turkey have already hinted that only those vaccinated will be welcome on holiday.  I dont understand why you find my comments worrying, i would bet money that we will in some form or other have a covid passport.

3 Agrees
25 Feb 2021 16:12

@leatash ..and that is the worrying part that you do not understand.

25 Feb 2021 17:47

I understand fully it would mean that those who refuse the vaccine would be excluded from society but not those who have a underlying health condition that excludes them from recieving the vaccine . The question is do i have a problem with that, not at all my feelings are that most countries will require some form of covid passport to allow there citizens to travel, and most countries will require those arriving in there country to have a covid passport. There was a interesting conversation on radio2 earlier about music festivals and organisers say it is likely that everyone attending will require a covid passport or a recent negative test. This time next year it will all be part of the new normal and folk will just accept that thats the way it is.

2 Agrees
26 Feb 2021 08:12
26 Feb 2021 09:51




1 Agree
26 Feb 2021 12:32

All those people branded as tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists are being proved right with every passing day.

2 Agrees
02 Mar 2021 15:53

Imagine for a moment....


You drive out of Exeter. You go through Exminster, Kenton, Starcross, Dawlish Warren, Dawlish, Teignmouth. Cross the river to Shaldon and back to Bishop'. On to Newton Abbot, through Kingskerswell and into Torquay.

The last person you saw was in Exeter. For the other places - there's nobody there. Nobody between Exeter and Paignton!


That's the equivalent of what Covid has done in the UK - Get the vaccine!

7 Agrees
05 Mar 2021 19:12

@ FredBasset


Coronavirus doesn't discriminate between people with no money, or in your case, people with lots of money.

Go look in a Covid ward for your kind of people who have lots of money but can't and won't be able to spend it, as they think that they are immune due to their financial position! 

5 Agrees
07 Mar 2021 15:32

But the problem is the covid wards are just normal wards with patients who have covid and new patients who come on the ward and contract covid whilst there. I should know my dad went into hospital a short while ago and had 2 tests for covid which were both negative and then the third being the charm was positive and now he is dead. Died with covid !

The difference between those with money is they can have a private room away from patients with covid.

Why take a vaccine that was based on a strain that is a year old, even flu vaccines are changed every year due to the change in strains.

If you were to take the no 1 cause of death, for a year, in the U.K. it makes the covid strain look like a common cold, oh thats what it is, isnt it.

09 Mar 2021 02:09

I'm very sorry for your loss. Sincerely.

But 125000 people in the UK haven't died from the common cold in the last 12 months.


2 Agrees
09 Mar 2021 11:54

@HuwMattews2     and a 125,000 have not died of/with covid either.


1 Agree
13 Mar 2021 03:01

Correct - the current figure is 143,259.  

3 Agrees
14 Mar 2021 13:17




15 Mar 2021 23:38


That's what I've been trying to tell you!

Now that you understand - Educate yourself. smiley


3 Agrees
26 Mar 2021 13:05


1 Agree
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