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Hells Bells

Hells Bells' Posts

Shameful, make a complaint. Attitudes don't change unless confronted.

Abuse of power
5 Feb 2011

Firstly - what has this got to do with Dawlish? Are you implying that Dawlish Councillors are abusing their position in this way? If so evidence to back this up please. If not then so what, we all know that people all over the country use their position to gain advantage. Secondly (as it's been posted to read and comment then I shall) - the man's obviously an idiot and if the report is correct ...

School Bullies
24 Jan 2011

Andy Mac - no you're not the only one spotting the irony of Lynne being cyber-bullied on here. All forms of bullying are unacceptable and having had some very unpleasant experiences of bullying myself it really gets my goat. I was bullied at primary school, at secondary school and at my workplace. The reasons I was bullied - I was that chubby asthmatic child who was rubbish at sports, I was ...

Places to hire
17 Jan 2011

Hi Ziggy, sorry don't know the charges but they are not too high. Used the hall last year for a child's birthday party and it was ideal, and there is parking too.

15 Jan 2011

You've also got the Manor. There's a kitchen you can use and the big hall (which will fit a moderate sized bouncy castle too)

Charity Shop
3 Dec 2010

Where and which charity?

TCC already have a sixth form, the problem is that not all schools are able to offer the courses that the colleges do. Seems to me that successive governments want our kids to go to further education but they make it hard to do so - bonkers!

I find that Talk Talk in particular teach their sales staff to be very pushy, the other day one suggested I talk to my neighbours as "75% of them are with Talk Talk" - load of rollocks. Every single person I know who has switched to them has had problems - why would I then sign up? Their are lots of providers, shop around.....

Sydney Court flats
2 Oct 2010

Someone who died was there in a warm room for a few days - nuff said really! It explains the smell.............

I also was a victim of bullying whilst at secondary school, also not Dawlish. What I find interesting is how, over the years, what was considered 'picking on' someone (ie low level bullying generally involving teasing and horseplay) which is a daily part of school life and never of much note when I was at school, - has now evolved into being described as full on bullying. Not wishing to downplay ...