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General Discussion

When a law is passed it must have guide lines made by the enforcing body. This lets people know what the law is about and how to stay with in it. If it states that you must not park in certain areas or pay to park in certain areas, it must give guide lines on how to do so. Hence size of lines, possitioning of lines etc. So if those that make the law cannot stick to the law they make, it will ...

13 May 2010

Yes I agree that those that took enjoyment out of blood sports have had thier sport banned, and yes they are sick bar stewards. But in reality it has given the fox chance to expand population, expand into urban areas, to use its killer instincts on domestic pets and commercial animals (ie chicken coups and animals used as tourist attractions). Now that hunting with dogs is banned the only way to ...

12 May 2010

Foxes dont kill for fun, they kill through instinct, kill the prey, as many as possible, with the intention of burying it for later times to feed its young. Now with no real enemy, the fox is free to roam. More foxes are finding urban surroundings easier, easier food to be found. Good job we stopped hunting isnt it.

My 21 year old didnt have a clue how to vote or who to vote for. Mrs Woodbine and my self collected as much information on each parties policies and also gave him the web sites to look at and let him decide whats going to be best for him in his future and his younger siblings future. Very reluctant at first to be wasting his time on this, he did get a small interest after a while and made up his ...

OK dont do it again.

4 May 2010

Sorry I thought I was on forum but instead I have found my self on forum. I replied to the thread to offer assistance to someone wanting to go to London, although late but offered for future (and this applies to anyone else wanting a lift to London area) and have been accused of being some one else (although I doubt the web master would let two people sign in with the ...

Keysham, Bristol, Reading, Sheffield, Doncaster, just to mention a few that have free parking for the first half hour in certain car parks. If they and others can do it why not here. It works in other places and stops the parking on double yellows while short visits are made. Simpley press the machine button that says up to half hour and hey presto a ticket emerges. Like anyother timed parking if ...

1 May 2010

No wonder people thier business to other places, with selfish people like you two in Dawlish.

No I dont mean "re-joined". Having not read a thread correctly has made you look a bit foolish hasnt it. Once again for the hard of reading " I WAS UNEMPLOYED BUT HAD TO GET EMPLOYMENT ELSE WHERE, IN LONDON" moron.

If you had read the election thread correctley youd have seen that I have to work away in London, I WAS out of work, you moron. So can ask you to give me a hand taking my bi weekly shopping back up the hill to Holcombe. I bet you wont. Now who is full of bullshit of hard of reading one.

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