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Mr-Spokesman's Posts

It will be open in september, there will be a youth club and facilities for the community college, e.g hairdressing, maintenance etc. It will be open to other companys after about 12 months from opening in september. Hope that helps.

Dawlish Carnival??
16 Jun 2010

I've been told by 2 carnival committee members that it won't go ahead too.

Ambercoast festival
2 Jun 2010

Dont deny that mate, but it states their they are volunteers too, all I'm saying is not every one has loads of money, but still want to help others, So they need help too.

1 Jun 2010

I'm sure they will add more bands, its seems like there is lots else happening so thats good too, i think it will be relli good...why don't people stop slaggin tho and send them suggestions! I'm sure that will be better.

1 Jun 2010

well they are doing it for chairty, its a retro get them some acts and pay for it then.....crist sake.

31 May 2010

Loads have been confirmed, its looking great so far, details are at - well done to the organisers!

24 Aug 2009

From what I saw, it certainly did have somthing to do with those two committee members! I was there most of the week, and they both seemed to had done nothing all week! So think that was unfair on all those hard workers. Knowing who they are, they most probably walked at the last minute, instead of seeing the end through... not valuable at all. Just wrong! hope somone joins the committee in place ...