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General Discussion

Guilty or not
26 Feb 2009

I always thought that this country followed the principle of "innocent until proven guilty"?? I mean, I suspect that many people who post on here are complete and utter teeds, however that doesn't mean that I take it upon myself to physically assault them. So, love, if you want to act as a self-appointed judge and jury, then you shouldn't whinge when the real arms of the law wrap their long arms ...

Dog Mess
26 Feb 2009

Mrs Roy and myself both work full-time, so leaving a dog home alone all day is neither right nor fair. I'm thinking of a somewhat more 'permanent' deterrent for these vile creatures.

26 Feb 2009

Cat shit is worse - the filthy little bastards should all be rounded up and summarily executed. I'm sick to death of these dirty vermin dropping their load in my garden (it's never their owner's garden, is it?). Can anyone recommend any decent deterrent?

It's a pity that more people don't use the Sandy Lane par 3 course. Surely the District Council should be asking why that is so, rather than making what seems to me to be a very hasty decision to close it. Those tight-arse locals who abuse the facilty by using the course without paying, should be really happy with themselves. At least the District Council have said that the site won't be used ...

I feel sad that you are unable to move to another town.

Dawlish Carnival 2009
15 Feb 2009

I also think that there is a lot of merit in moving it to the Friday. I'd also like to congratulate the committee for all their hard work.

13 Feb 2009

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now... I'll remind you; you claimed to have emigrated to Canada. "expat" is a shortened version of ex-patriot. So that a very interesting moniker that you've elected to take. Hopefully the people of Canada treat immigrants better than certain sections of British society do. I'm off now to pull the legs off some ...

12 Feb 2009

You're obviously being deliberately obstreperous. ;-) National economy. £1.2billion. Not too difficult to comprehend is it? :-P Tell us again "expat" why you emigrated and where to? Or did you used to be called Patrick, but then changed your name to Kevin...

12 Feb 2009

The cost to the GB economy caused by parents having to take the day off work because of the whim of a headmaster, has been estimated at a cool £1.2BILLION per day. Stick that in your snowman and smoke it.

Holiday lets
12 Feb 2009

Why don't you answer the question, Mastermind?

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