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General Discussion

Sandy Lane Golf Course

John E.
John E.
20 Feb 2009 20:27

It has been said, by the Council, the the 'Approach Course' in Sandy Lane, Dawlish, is bearly covering its cost nand that Teignbridge is likely to close it down as there is a pitch and put in Shaldon and a private couse in Starcross. First let me show my colours. I do not play golf and I am one of the household the target often for errant golfballs, however I do not want to see the corse closed down. Let us look at possible reason why the Council want to close a facility which is just paying its way. The Council refused a request to make this area a 'Public open space', could it be they are thinking of selling the land, once the course is closed, as 'derelict land' to a developer? Teignbridge Council is desperate for money and selling off every thing it can lay its hands on, whether it was given to the people of a town by a benfactor or not. We need a local newspaper that is not affraid to search the middle of the mass of Council paperwork, find the 'hidden' facts behind the official woffle. Support Sandy Lane Golf.

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
21 Feb 2009 10:36

On 10th February TDC decided to close the course from 1st April.

TDC Executive Minutes

See item 426. The report refererenced is here:
TDC Executive Report

I have never played golf but I believe that provision of leisure facilities is a service that provides a value far greater than can be counted in net profit or loss.

21 Feb 2009 20:38

TDC are such hypocrites. On the one hand they are urging people to be active, not to be "couch potatoes" or "obese"; on the other hand they close down sports facilities such as the Teignbridge Indoor Bowling Centre (which is now derelict) and the Sandy Lane golf course on some spurious excuse. The question is now what are they going to do with this land. Anyone know?

23 Feb 2009 21:41

It's a pity that more people don't use the Sandy Lane par 3 course. Surely the District Council should be asking why that is so, rather than making what seems to me to be a very hasty decision to close it.

Those tight-arse locals who abuse the facilty by using the course without paying, should be really happy with themselves.

At least the District Council have said that the site won't be used for anything other leisure purposes.

Hopefully the Town Council will take over the management of the course.

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