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General Discussion

lol yes

12 Dec 2013

You owe it to EVERYONE to report this to the Police now, rather than let them steal more over the next three days. If not your CTV is pointless.

Thanks Stephen, my mistake,

10 Dec 2013

You're welcome.  The little pocket leaflet does not show the London trains, so people sometimes think there is less trains than there really is. So get the booklet at the station showing all.. If people aim for the 1036 on Saturday that is a London train and plenty of carriages..

Just realiesed the last time I got in a Taxi was about 20 years ago! .. I am amazed by what they charge... people just dont walk short trips.

The question is have you banned your kids from reading Enid Blyton books?

from Dec 8th - May 2014 1036 1100 1135 1153 ... extra trains

Its awful ..remember a month ago I said I went to Lancashire is like being in another country!  Its time people stood up against all this.

9 Dec 2013

it's amazing!... you see, Santa will be banned next ..

Odd the West Country has an issue with 'outsiders;. Go to any other part of the UK and you are not called an outsider,. rather, and nicer 'a newcomer'.

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