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Disaffected Parent

Disaffected Parent's Posts

The proof of the pudding will be in the eating as the saying goes. As I do not doubt for one moment that this will be given the go ahead we can merely wait and see what happens at, and who uses, this Youth Training Centre. What with this, at least one supermarket and the prospect of goodness knows how many houses all being built in this same part of Dawlish I feel throughly, throughly, ...

Kudos? - except for when they **** it up like in this instance - then they get a lot of disaffected voters!

Has any risk/health & safety assessment been done? Has an traffic impact assessment been done? Has any community consultation been done? Answer: NO Suggest we all tell the planning authorities that and remind our local councillors of that. (and why are DAY in such a hurry to try and push this through?)