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General Discussion

New "Disaffected Youth" centre

None PC
None PC
08 Jul 2008 10:38

From the youth club plans you'll see that they are including a unit for the "disaffected youth of the WHOLE of Teignbridge"

I can only assume, that these "disaffected individuals" are the young people who have been excluded from school. Why? Because they are disruptive, have problems (drugs, alcohol, violence, mental health, etc), and are not a good influence on young people who want to work hard. SO so so... now they are going to scoop them from all over the district and DUMP them on Dawlish with our children here, and teach them their sordid tricks, where to get alcohol from, share fags, drugs, etc.... It's a shame about the disaffected ones, but I do not think that this is a solution to help them - it's only going to help the powers that be, who have tick-boxes and targets to meet. For Dawlish this is a BAD MOVE! Does anyone else feel aggrieved about this?

08 Jul 2008 10:49


08 Jul 2008 10:53

I have stressed this same point on the previous thread. Were the parents and residents of Dawlish consulted about this? Once again members of Dawlish Town Council think they know best and carry on with impunity.

This combined Youth Centre and 'disaffected' unit will be a disaster. But why should Dawlish Town Council care about the outcome? As long as they are seen to be implementing projects, then they can hush the many. But the truth is, this harebrained scheme/plan is the result of Dawlish Town Councils ineptitude and corruption with finances and decisions.

08 Jul 2008 11:07

With many of our councillors running businesses, perhaps this 'unit for youth' is being geared up as a minimum wage finishing school? After all, council decisions usually end up benefiting councillors personally.

Jane P
Jane P
08 Jul 2008 11:12

Perfect candidates to become councillors - they already have many of the required "qualities" - if one may call them such.

08 Jul 2008 11:18

The credit crunch is so bad that the minimum wage as it stands is now redundant (excuse the pun). Local traders who make a lot of money through the tourist trade should be passing on some of this profit to their employees and paying them substantially above the minimum hourly wage.

08 Jul 2008 11:24

Just because you see shops busy from June - September, there are eight other months, you still have to pay staff and business rates etc.
You will not get local sales in winter from locals.. proof is the deserted Strand and Lawn.
If its that wonderful open a shop yourself and find out!

08 Jul 2008 12:03

I don't doubt your hard work....but there are some employers who insist they are doing what they do for the benefit of the town and their employees, when really it is all about greed and profit.

I don't know you, so i can't cast those aspersions on you, but, from my experience, there are employers out there who take their employees for a ride, through loopholes and accountants and the employees ignorance on business matters.

What do you think of this Youth Club idea? Sounds barmy to me! They should be seperate in my opinion and why is Dawlish getting this scheme when none of us have been consulted?

08 Jul 2008 12:10

I thought the skate park was originally going to be built under the youth centre. Who or what was responsible for the change of plans?

08 Jul 2008 14:40

You could always try asking DAY.

I believe it is their AGM on Monday 21st - public meeting - why not go along?

Also they have a website -

where they have a guest page

also the email address given to get in contact is:

08 Jul 2008 15:31

How connected is DAY to Dawlish Town Council? Are there conflicts of interest within the framework?

08 Jul 2008 21:20

The planning application was to build the skateboard park on the former childrens play area.
Has there been some illegal practice carried out in building somewhare else?

09 Jul 2008 14:26

In the new economy, information, education, and motivation are everything.

I have been trying to do the above on all three. Not by building a place for disaffected children, but through the medium of this website.
Those that do not read are no different than those than cannot read when it comes to showing others the light by trying to expose the darker side of those that purport to be working for the benefit of others.
Some people do not know what is going on, others do not want to know.
There is no gain without pain and all of us will probably go through some pain in trying to find out what on earth is going on with the proposed yooof senter.

09 Jul 2008 15:00

Once again Dawlish residents are the last to be informed of Dawlish Town Council decisions affecting our town. This 'disaffected' Youth Centre will be nothing more than a Job Centre add-on. The likes of Protheroe, Hockin, Mugford, etc should be ashamed of the way they use Dawlish to realise projects, which facilitate personal gain. Why else would they sit on Council committees?

09 Jul 2008 18:49

for your information the agm is monday 14th july at 730pm if you want to go along then do

09 Jul 2008 19:04

Why the invitation? Is it due to confidence in 'behind the scene' deals? Something is extremely suspect about this multi-use centre. Talking of suspects....i expect the usual ones are behind this.

09 Jul 2008 19:34

I see that the new Youth Centre will have 'vocational workshops'. Are we to deduce that this means the Youth Centre will be a Job Centre Plus add-on to facilitate private sector training businesses like A4E? If so, then this is disgraceful. Companies like A4E are not about training.....they are there to bully and brain-wash young people into minimum-wage Mac-jobs.

Seems to me there will be a lot of people benefiting from this, but it certainly won't be the youth.

By the way, Emma Harrison, Chairman of A4E, is reported to be worth 55 million pounds. Not bad for making profit out of disaffected people.

09 Jul 2008 20:49

Quote, "By the way, Emma Harrison, Chairman of A4E, is reported to be worth 55 million pounds. Not bad for making profit out of disaffected people."
That's what it is all about, making money, youth come second if they are lucky.

10 Jul 2008 12:52

it was just a correction on someone else mistake if your going to advertise something on a forum at least get the date and time right

10 Jul 2008 13:07

I'm furious about the proposed use of the youth center. The problem isn't that there will be "disaffected young people" (DYPs), it's that they will be herded here from all over the district. So, whereas it's fine to have DYP's from Dawlish here, because they'll balance out person-to-person the decent kids, now we could end up with 20 DYP's to every normal adjusted kid - and that's NOT right!
The youth centre was billed for our young people, and designed for them, and now they are saying it's got to be changed to accomodate every snotty-nosed, knife-wielding ASBO-proud yoof in the whole of Teignbridge. And give them the kit to sharpen their crow-bars, saw off their shotguns, and the venue to buy/sell drugs.
Sandy Lane may get a new unofficial off-licence, but Dawlish will become a no-go zone.

Why oh why oh why are they trying to stiff us with this? We aren't even in a central location to bus all these troublemakers into. Can't they set up some service for them in Forde House? Or are they worried they will be the subject of too many bad influences there?

Common Sense
Common Sense
10 Jul 2008 17:06

Having read a number of comments regarding the new youth centre I must say how ashamed and disappointed I am at reading such negative comments which are unfounded and scare mongering by the very fact that someone has named it already the new disaffected youth centre. This has obviously been done by an adult who is most probably a selfish individual who has no understanding of what disaffected means, or what a youth centre is all about.

Dawlish still believes it can live in the dark ages that it does not have alcohol problem, drug problem or any disaffected youth, we've already established that we have a number of disaffected adults just by reading some of the stupid comments regarding the new youth centre.

The national media have been going on and on about knife crime, this is mainly going on in two cities but the way the media presents it makes it sound like it is going on in every city and town in the country. Why is it that such a small minority of people who quite frankly are uneducated but would call themselves educated who completely whip up the fear factor to get their own way, how many people who have written about this centre have walked into a youth centre and know what they are all about? I doubt any of them and I would be surprised if there was one. I really do want to thank the people in Dawlish that have supported the youth because there are a large number of those, when we spend public money we should maximize any use of a public buildings. I think it is a fantastic idea; I encourage as many residents of Dawlish and young people to put forward their opinion and squash this very small minority of people who seem to me so negative about young people. Young people need help today and not tomorrow to help them to buy into the community, it’s a shame that before most of them have even become adults that a very small minority of adults want to execute them.

Thanks for reading.

10 Jul 2008 18:24

thank you common sense was nice to know your bit and that i agree with you, only because one word got put in the everyone kicks off.

Parent of teenager
Parent of teenager
10 Jul 2008 21:00

Mouse - If my memory serves me correctly I believe you are involved with DAY. Therefore you will have known of the new proposals. The first many others knew of them was when they saw the new planning application. It is on that very planning application that the word 'disaffected' is used.

Also, I was under the impression that the Youth Club was for the youth of Dawlish and immediate area - yes all the youth, whatever problems they have or may not have. Suddenly this has changed, according to the planning application, to an emphasise not only on youth with problems but youth with problems from all around Teignbridge.

Can you not see why some people might be very upset and angry about this. Why such bad communication from DAY about the change in use/emphasis?

Here here, parent of teenager, totally agree with you. Our youths have waited a very long time for this and looks like just another opportunity for the council to cash in on rental options, etc, to make money. Can only hope the disaffected youths from all around dont rub off on our unaffected youths.

11 Jul 2008 09:26

I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.
When CCTV was mooted in Dawlish, there was no justification for it, so the powers that be, dreamt up (Scare mongered) “the Fear of Crime”. We now have a system of CCTV cameras that are of little use, are too expensive to operate and will need more money spent on it, to bring it up to a viable workable condition. There was an awful lot of disfiguring the true reason in order to justify the scheme through manipulation of the facts.
We now come to the Yoof Center. What concerns most is the sighting of the Youth Center and what it will be used for. Someone other than those that are now being labeled as scare mongers inserted the words, “disaffected youth”, in the planning application, those two words has raised many concerns. Questions are being asked as to what is a “disaffected young person”? And why should they be catered for in any yoof center? What is the Ratcliff School, Dawlish used for? Is it Disaffected Yoof, Disadvantaged yoof or yoof that does not fit into any of those categories? Could that school not cater for the disaffected if it is not doing so now?
The best well healed yoof, are those that are under the control of their parents. Why should good yoof, be mixed up with the uncontrollable elements and why are some (not all) uncontrollable?
Some parts of society need the disaffected element there is a living somewhere to be made out of it for someone. But don’t mix those that are, with those that are not.
Some clot has said that we should maximize any use of public buildings and I agree with the “maximize” bit, but you do not house the good with the bad, do you? Imaging what you would get if you had a rock band playing and in the next room you had a quite reading room, the two would not mix.

a dawlish youth
a dawlish youth
11 Jul 2008 19:47

It became the "disafected youth" centre, when the origianl plans changed just so they could get more money. DAY have hidden the new plnas and not told folks, and now they are upset because everyone is shouting about it. This was meant to be a youth centre for dawlish kids. Half of it is now a training camp for these "disaffected youth" from all over the teignbridge district. It is not the Dawlish youth centre any more. What sort of youth centre does training until 10 at night on metalworking? kids want to have a fun place to go to. metalwork training is not my idea of fun.

11 Jul 2008 20:19

John Anthony resign now! And take the likes of Protheroe and Hockin with you! I am sick to the teeth of these people using Dawlish for their own personal benefit whilst feigning promotion and encouragement of our town.

mix it up
mix it up
12 Jul 2008 09:02

I disagree with some of what you say, Viaduct, because I think we do need to "mix it up", to keep our society diverse and interesting. We need the bad with the good - it's just how things are. But we need them in the right proportions. And the youth centre plan is NOT PROPORTIONATE. It will have far more disaffected than mainstream... because it is targeting the disaffected as a required outcome. And therefore where young people, in their normal environment may have a natural ratio of 1 disaffected to 300 mainstream, now we might see 1 mainstream to 5, 10, 20, 30 disaffected...! Now what's that going to do to mainstream kids - to them, will it make disaffected seem "normal"???

12 Jul 2008 14:21

will someone please explain... what do these people, councillors, etc, get out of these things?

Disaffected Parent
Disaffected Parent
13 Jul 2008 06:52

Kudos? - except for when they **** it up like in this instance - then they get a lot of disaffected voters!

dissaffected older person
dissaffected older person
14 Jul 2008 18:26

don't forget they said the centre would be useful for ALL the community. But nobody is going to want to use it as its gone to be too loud. WHo will want to hire rooms that are over the bit where they are drilling and banging as it looks like a building training area to me.

15 Jul 2008 08:57

and there will be a hairdressers next to it!

15 Jul 2008 11:47

is anyone asking the young people what they think of these shenanigans?

16 Jul 2008 08:50

on the planning application, DAY says it has consulted. Who with - that's not clear. It's not with residents. Could it be with youth? And which youth? Local Dawlish or wider Teignbridge disaffected ones?

young parent
young parent
16 Jul 2008 18:28

Does it matter? They won't listen to what anyone says anyway. just twist words to make it sound like what they want

18 Jul 2008 07:34

I went to have a look at what they are doig and where they are buidling it. The site doesn't look very big actually. i wonder how they will do all these things and deliver all these services, youth offending, drugs, etc here.

20 Jul 2008 17:10

Well it's two storeys!

tall story
tall story
21 Jul 2008 10:48

I thought it was always two stories?

P Lanner
P Lanner
21 Jul 2008 12:10

see "Height of the Youth Centre" thread

Milly Metre
Milly Metre
21 Jul 2008 18:23

Thanks will do.

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