A walkway alongside a coastal railway line has been closed after about 20 large stone slabs were dislodged during Storm Ciarán . The pathway is part of the old sea wall at Dawlish, Devon. Network Rail said it hoped to have the wall repaired by the end of January. Read the full article here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crgp1n9lyxpo
The appeal from Devon County Council comes as there are ‘hotspots’ in Devon which have a particularly acute shortage of childcare provision, such as Dawlish. Read more... https://www.dawlish-today.co.uk/news/appeal-to-help-shortage-of-child-carers-652065
Claire Twitchin, a teaching assistant at Gatehouse Primary Academy in Dawlish decided to take on the challenge with fellow teacher Liz Borbon. Read more ... https://www.dawlish-today.co.uk/news/teachers-take-on-the-the-channel-651807
Thanks for your patience. Updates and checks are now complete, so you shouldn't get signed out from now on. Duplication duing photo uploading has been fixed. The photo file size has also been increasd to 30mb in response to users that were struggling to upload larger photos and were having to shrink them.
More of the team at Dawlish’s Roots Community Enhancement service have passed their “first aid for mental health” training. The services include a toddler group, a baby group, an anxiety cafe, bereavement support, a carers club and a feeding support group. Read more... https://www.dawlish-today.co.uk/news/health/more-mental-health-training-for-dawlish-roots-team-651998
Students from Dawlish College have filled more than 200 shoeboxes with Christmas goodies and treats for children and families in Moldova and Ukraine. The Christmas shoebox collection is being co-ordinated by Dawlish Water Rotary Club. Read more... https://www.dawlish-today.co.uk/news/christmas-boxes-are-bound-for-ukraine-and-moldova-651936
The dealers built up networks in Exmouth, Dawlish, Teignmouth, Torbay, Ilfracombe, Penzance, Camborne and Hayle. Read more... https://www.cornish-times.co.uk/news/leaders-of-a-ps135m-drug-gang-which-targeted-seaside-towns-have-been-handed-long-jail-sentences-651821
A mum says she was injured after the back of her chair gave way while she watched her son play football. She's calling for action to be taken. Read the full story here... https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/devon-mum-falls-through-seat-8922677
RNLI lifeboats, coastguard rescue teams and a coastguard helicopter carried out an extensive search overnight. Read more... https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/urgent-search-person-water-near-8927181
POST office counter services in Dawlish are to be changed, it has been confirmed. Read more... https://www.dawlish-today.co.uk/news/dawlish-post-office-counter-services-set-to-downsize-650373