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jacky's Posts

the incident that happened years ago was dealt with in the proper manner and ended woth someone taking there own life over please have respect for that person famliy, as my family was involved in the carnival for many years and my father was on the commitee for years, i take offence to people saying they dip there hands in they all do it for nothing and take a week of work using there own holidays ...

12 Mar 2008

well for ur caravan to do that it will have to go over the railway lime so i wouldnt worry to much, just enjoy ur stua and tell other how lovely we all are here well most of us but like most places we have our idiots young and old

the local dawlish councilers are not paid for the service they do it is all on a voluntery bases,the town isnt the same and yes this is due to cut bks but u cant blame local councils for that u blame the goverment,wat really annoys me is people who moan but never vote, the only way to change things is to vote or put oneself up for local council,so mr bob if want to change dawlish so much why not ...

4 Mar 2008

dawlish is lovely and most people here are freindly u wont have much problems with finding things to do hope u have a graet time

right bob after reading this forum im completely ashamed to say that im a dawlish person,my ex husband was born and bred in dawlish,my kids are born and bred from dawlish,my father was mayor of dawlish 4 times and help build this town to what it is now,which if u drag ur head out of the sand u would see its a lovely place to live and yes we do need more social housing for the like of propers ...