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all things good about OUR town

02 Mar 2008 12:14

I am born bred Dawlish cannot undeatand why people undermide the wonderfull place we live in

02 Mar 2008 12:16

that wa meant to be understant I am not illeterate or brain dead

02 Mar 2008 13:24

And I have moved here and I love it too. (though it could do with a bit of a wash and brush up in places)

02 Mar 2008 15:16

Why move here then

02 Mar 2008 15:46

Oh for Gawd's sake - it IS a bit down at heel in places and it DOES need smartening up and all sorts of other things if it is to survive.

02 Mar 2008 15:59

if you feel like that why move here?

Totally agree with Immigrant. Dawlish is great but it does need some input. New houses, and regeneration should help.

02 Mar 2008 18:51

Devonian. Why I moved here as opposed to anywhere else is by choice. Why are you so defensive about a bit of criticism of Dawlish? Is it because it comes from an 'outsider?. I know others who go back generations in Dawlish who agree with what I have said.
Are you suggesting that they should leave? Better surely to stay and try to make a nice place even nicer.

dawlish boy
dawlish boy
02 Mar 2008 19:59

Tis Gods back garden, that's why people come to live in our place we call our own, beautiful town and friendly locals

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
02 Mar 2008 20:50

we need more expensive housing, less betting shops and less down market cheap shops so that we can keep the riff raff out. KEEP DAWLISH TO OURSELVES THANK YOU VERY MUCH

03 Mar 2008 07:25

Are you calling me riff raff?

03 Mar 2008 09:53

Agree some things need changing was pointing out that very little is said of the good things about our town.
If we only have expensive housing the majority of youngsters would have to leave as wages here are very low.
We are lucky we live in a place that others, are willing to pay a lot of money to come and stay for a week or two

03 Mar 2008 10:31

Totally agree that there is a desperate need for housing for all incomes and all types of families. Suggest that those concerned about housing in Dawlish make a noise about it (and yes, I am already doing that but others need to do the same).

Tell the developers what's needed when they do their pre planning application 'consultations' with the local population. Tell the planners at TDC, Tell the local Cllrs. Tell the Dawlish Gazette. Tell our MP.

Also, not just accommodation needed for families with children. What about the young and single? What about the elderly? What about those not fully abled? etc etc

03 Mar 2008 10:58

Bob.. there is life beyond Dawlish Warren if you've been that far.. you wonder why 'up market' shops steer clear of Dawlish, well you really have just confirmed their thinking. You have not exactly helped your case at all.

03 Mar 2008 12:11

Bob what do you mean keep Dawlish to ourselves are you suggesting that anyone not born here should leave. Your attitude puzzles me

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
03 Mar 2008 12:53

dawlish should be a haven for the better off, somewhere for others to aspire to. why should we create cheap dwellings just to attract all and sundry. I appreciate we are a seaside town for others to come and admire in the summer, but leave us be for the rest of the year. The way some of the less affluent people talk on here I wonder if maybe we should rename ourselves bristol warren or plymouth warren. Heaven forbid.
And on the point of creating affordable housing for ones offspring-just because ones family originates from a said area doesn't give them the right to live there themselves. Maybe I would like to live in Kensington or chelsea, but if one can't afford it then just accept it.

03 Mar 2008 13:34

Ok Bob so if this is to be a 'haven for the better off' .. I can put my house up for sale not at £195,000 but for £295,000 as per Salcombe prices.
Your origanal posting said.. quote 'KEEP DAWLISH TO OURSELVES THANK YOU VERY MUCH'
does that statement make sense to anyone? sure does not to me.

03 Mar 2008 13:38

Bob your such a snob I suggest you move to a more "affluent" area.

03 Mar 2008 13:45

Bob dont think of moving to Chelsea they have affordable housing projects there. Maybe you could buy a remote island because there is affordable housing in all arears.
I am one of those less well off and wonder what it is you have against us, I work pay my taxes and have the right to live anywhere I want

03 Mar 2008 13:59

Bob it's a good job that you do not work for the tourist board as Dawlish would never get any business. Anyway my children who were born and bred in Dawlish work hard but still cannot afford to purchase their own property so are you saying that they should move? Working class people are the backbone of this country. With a snobby selfish attitude like yours i wish you would move to Chelsea.

03 Mar 2008 16:42

He cant move to Chelsea there is a big affordable homes programme going on.

03 Mar 2008 16:56

I'd say Bob will go far .... and the further the better lol.

03 Mar 2008 18:10

We could have a whip round get him a ticket for Siberia.
Any would be tourist reading his comments will be put off visiting here without tourist we aint got anything

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
03 Mar 2008 22:25

My posting stating "keep dawlish to ourselves" is just merely pointing out that we can well do without creating more council estate type free housing, for all and sundry to come and invade us, and pillaging our over generous benefits system to subsidise themselves and their numerous offspring they can ill afford. Obviously the area having to cater for tourists creates many low paid jobs, but for goodness sake cater for these people on estate areas like exeter which provides a more than adequate transport system for these people to commute. I remember my parents having a housekeeper and various domestic staff who were catered for in our annex areas, but at least those people didn't expect to be able to live permanently in our direct area. I am sure that people are too frightened to speak the truth nowadays for fear of upsetting the wet willies blighting society. So I will say it for them.

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
03 Mar 2008 22:36

my dear olive, i was merely using chelsea/kensington as an example of places people may like to live but could not afford to live. Please be aware I certainly have not the slightest intention of leaving my beloved Dawlish, and in fact am making it my mission to purchase as many properties as possible in the area so as to keep a close eye on who is living in my proximity. Rather than you troubling yourself to arrange a "whip round" for a trip to Siberia for myself, maybe your time would be better spent hounding the blighters intent on destroying our peace.

03 Mar 2008 22:58

It is not YOUR Dawlish.

04 Mar 2008 07:14

Er....Bob. If you're buying up properties then aren't you making Dawlish's housing situation worse?

04 Mar 2008 08:02

right bob after reading this forum im completely ashamed to say that im a dawlish person,my ex husband was born and bred in dawlish,my kids are born and bred from dawlish,my father was mayor of dawlish 4 times and help build this town to what it is now,which if u drag ur head out of the sand u would see its a lovely place to live and yes we do need more social housing for the like of propers dawlish people to b able live here,and we also need outsiders as u call them to bring in money etc to this town cause with out them dawlish will die,im so ashamed to admit to being a dawlish person with narrow minded people like u living in it!if instead of sitting there moaning about wats happening to pur town maybe get of ur backside and do sumething to help the town,like invest ur so called money into the youth of this town cause without them we wont have a town very much longer

04 Mar 2008 10:14

Well said Jacky.
I'm going to move away from the West and the 'petty small minded' Bob alikes. You know there is nothing wrong with the World is just some people are so determined to ruin it.

04 Mar 2008 13:50

Bob has to be winding us up either that or he needs a full frontal lobotomy

04 Mar 2008 14:52

I have lived in Dawlish all my life and can remember when it was a thriving town with lots of shops and it was safe to park your baby in pram outside while you went in to purchase your goods.
The manor gardens, the lawn and flower beds all kept immaculate.
The roads swept and drains cleared regularly so we didn't have the problem of flooded roads.
There was no such thing as council tax, your rates and water rates were as one.
The list is endless. That was the good old days.
I would not like to live anywhere else, even so I have seen Dawlish deteriorate rapidly over the last few years mainly due to council cutbacks.

04 Mar 2008 15:30

Council cutbacks probably due to lack of finance. And where does local finance come from? Ah, yes, local tax payers.

You only get what you pays for.

04 Mar 2008 15:42

We are paying far more than we ever did and getting far less than we ever did!!

04 Mar 2008 16:24

So where's the money going then?

04 Mar 2008 16:32

Name a council that you can prove doesn't waste public money?

04 Mar 2008 17:19

Councils are wasting money all over the country. Here in Devon we have above average council tax (and water rates).Bin collections cut back and we pay more for the privilage
Councils want luxury offices with expensive art work and the managers extended expensive paid lunches.
Its the same as the health service milliions extra poured into it yet services have gone down why becausse they and the councils employ managers to oversee manangers ditti ditto.
Still say Dawlish is a great place to live

04 Mar 2008 22:12

the local dawlish councilers are not paid for the service they do it is all on a voluntery bases,the town isnt the same and yes this is due to cut bks but u cant blame local councils for that u blame the goverment,wat really annoys me is people who moan but never vote, the only way to change things is to vote or put oneself up for local council,so mr bob if want to change dawlish so much why not get involved with the council and that way u can moan and b heard,

04 Mar 2008 22:34

Councillors get paid an allowance and expenses. Its the district council who take the bulk of "local tax "oh I mean council tax.
The district and county council are the ones with the hoards of managers and handouts.
My daughter used to be a p.a to one of them she was shocked at the waste of money, thats our money.
The majority of council meetings are behind closed doors why, we should be able to have a louder voice about where we live

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