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General Discussion

carnival week

22 Mar 2008 13:30

We have a lot of things to be gratefull for in Dawlish and carnival week is one of them. The people who organise it put in a lot of time and effort for the rest of us and the visitors to have a good time.

22 Mar 2008 13:35

Myself and my family agree. We live in the North there is nothing like it here, we come down each year for carnival week, it would be cheaper for the family to have a holiday in Spain but there wouldnt be the atmosphere.
You have a community spirit that is missing in so many places, that is why so many people move to Dawlish. Take pride in all have have and a big thank you to the people who must work so hard to put on a week that is so fantastic

22 Mar 2008 14:50

Couldnt agree more, about time people realised Dawlish has a lot going for it. Carnival week is special dont know if I could be bothered to put in the hours the committee must do, I salute them.
Read a comment on a different thread Viaduct is concerned about money being collected in open buckets. its the quickest way to do it its not a problem, its collected and used for good causes thats what matters

22 Mar 2008 20:24

This thread will not get many comments because Dawlish folk cant say anything good about the place they live in.

23 Mar 2008 06:34

Makes you wonder why they continue to live here doesn't it?

23 Mar 2008 09:44

I very rarely say anything bad about Dawlish, as I love it here. But I'm not blind and it has gone downhill, including the Carnival. It is still good, but nothing like it was years ago. I don't know whether it's just my perception as I have now grown up and everything is bigger and better as a child but last year it seemed there wasn't half the stuff there used to be.
There used to be a train for the kids, a donkey derby, pig roast which Derek Ward tended (God rest) and Ray from the Landsdowne always bid the highest for the first slice, etc.
I feel the carnival are concentrating too much on the Red Arrows, and not enough on the little fun things.

23 Mar 2008 11:35

Agree carnival not as good think there is a lot more red tape now i.e health & safety.
Your right about the air display being the focal point but its still a very good week.
Maybe the carnival committe needs new blood

Guba guba
Guba guba
25 Mar 2008 07:26

On the thread Daawlish there are two people, Viaduct and Jambuster who reckon the carnival committee help themselves to some of the proceeds.
I think this is a rotten accusation If I was a member would make me want to give up.
These people put in a lot of time and effort

25 Mar 2008 08:07

Unfortunately Guba Guba, it has happened before. Two people took a serious amount of money some years ago. I'm sure there are now safeguards to stop this happening again though.

Guba guba
Guba guba
25 Mar 2008 10:11

Know about that one time it ended in tragic circumstances.
Doesnt mean this committee are criminals
Bit like saying everyone is a shoplifter cause a few do it

26 Mar 2008 15:44

the incident that happened years ago was dealt with in the proper manner and ended woth someone taking there own life over please have respect for that person famliy, as my family was involved in the carnival for many years and my father was on the commitee for years, i take offence to people saying they dip there hands in they all do it for nothing and take a week of work using there own holidays for it,yes i agree the carnival isnt the same but that down to man power and red tape people shouldnt sit bk and moan if they not prepeared to help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26 Mar 2008 19:44

I've been a Carnival Committee member and the person who tragically took his life was a close friend of mine. He and his wife are still sorely missed. I was only pointing out that there are probably safeguards to stop it actually happening again. I was sticking up for the committee.

26 Mar 2008 20:06

It was Bogof who accused the carnival committee of misdeeds and breaking the law. Take no notice of him
Ive got a good friend who is on the committee he is horrified by Bogofs comments.
Trouble easy its easy to sit hidden behind a computer and make false allegations

26 Mar 2008 20:14

Are you sure it was Bogof? I can't see anything on the postings?

26 Mar 2008 20:21

I think you will find it was Viaduct!

26 Mar 2008 22:42

Thank you, Looking Back.

27 Mar 2008 00:34

My appologise Bogof it was Viaduct I meant to put his or hers name in once again my appology

27 Mar 2008 00:36

And it is on the Dawlish thread

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