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General Discussion

Pics 22 02 2018
22 Feb 2018

Change the record Mond.

17 Feb 2018

The new link road should have been paid for out of the pockets of the developer's who are the only one's who will profit from  the homes that will now be built. I blame the planning department who should have enforced that the planning approval for the new homes would only be signed off once the link road had been constructed by and/or on behalf of the developer's using their own money. As ...

How about the new 'Lawn group' could get rid of the ridiculously ineffective prohibition notices from around The Lawn. They are totally ineffective for the purpose they were installed for and the police do NOTHING when the actions of certain people contravene them. All it does is broadcast to visitors that The Lawn and surrounding area of Dawlish are  not the place to enjoy a spot of peace and ...

When I was living in west london during the mid 1980's we had fibre cable being installed then. I live within Dawlish and not that far from both West Cliff area and have a direct line of sight to the BT exchange building and have had fibre for a while, but the speed is still not that fast because there is still copper wire in the network. It just amazes me in this day and age that it can ...

Who ever is voted in will more than likely not make a dent against those already in charge. Who like to use Dawlish for their own wacky, expensive and irrelevant projects rather than assist Dawlish to evolve into a thriving sea side town and not a fun fair.

10 Feb 2018 11:16 post Letter from Dept of Transport... assert, warn and comply.. send in the storm troopers. Last paragraph 'accountable to their electorate' obviously the memo got lost in the post. Also, nice to see the same old felons stirring the proverbial pot here. ?


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