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General Discussion

Get rid of all the grotty boats that haven't moved for years. Clear the unsightly seaweed that gathers there. Add some seating on the sea wall. There you go, don't need to waste time on a meeting...

Thought so. Thanks Leatash.

Sandy Lane Pavilion
25 Jun 2015

The kids responsible for the damage won't be footing the bill, that's for sure. Likewise their parents - who probably are quick to moan about the cost of council tax...

It's not called that any more is it? And isn't the road into the estate a private road and therefore nothing to do with Devon County Council or TDC?

Anti-Austerity March
24 Jun 2015

Ah Guido Fawkes. As if a right wing blogger would write anything plausible about anti-austerity protests.

Coryton Cove
19 Jun 2015

Please allow me to turn your question around Burneside. How does having "free" wifi enhance your enjoyment of the cove?

19 Jun 2015

Unlike the letter writer in this weeks Gazette, I definitely don't want "free" Wifi installed at the new permenant cafe when it's built. Coryton Cove is an area for relaxation, watching the world go by, and friendly conversation with people around you.  You don't get that if your heads permanently bowed down and your eyes are squinting towards your smartphone.

14 Jun 2015

I see that Tilly's Tearoom will be coming to Piermont Place some time soon.

The market held in the field on Mount Pleasant Road has been going on for far longer than the Thursday carboot, and isn't the signage the same as that for the Warren Road and Exmouth carboots? It's the consistent signage that made me think that they're run by the same organisation.

3 Jun 2015

Aren't the two car boots organised by the same people? Both of them are poorly attended outside of the school holidays though.

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