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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

Hi Empowerer. Is that or ? I can't wait to see the Dawlish Town Council website! This is so exciting, I'm learning so much today - I'm really pleased you've joined our forum and I'm looking forward to lots more informative and varied posts from you. Regards, Joey.

31 Jul 2008

Thanks for the advice Empowerer. Do you recommend any particular search engine? Regards, Joey.

Dawlish Town FC
31 Jul 2008

Does anyone who posts on here know who the "biggest transfer coup" referred to in the papers, is? Exciting times certainly seem to be ahead for the Seasiders as they continue to help raise the profile of Dawlish. It would be great to see their performances on the pitch rewarded by a few extra people through the turnstiles.

That's a good question. What's the website address for the Dawlish Town Council? Regards, Joey

31 Jul 2008

Wonderful! Thank you for this information Empowerer. I can now clearly see from their superb website just how open and transparent the Council processes really are. Well done. :) I might object to application 08/02923/FUL, which is to build a conservatory. I hate wicker furniture...

Thanks for your reply Empowerer. You are proving to be a most welcome addition to this forum. Regards, Joey.

31 Jul 2008

Hi Empowerer. Thanks for the swift response, it's much appreciated. What is the website address that I should use to access the applications? Thanks and Regards, Joey.

31 Jul 2008

Thank you for your kind response. Could you please provide us with a list of planning applications so that I can decide which ones I should object to, using the procedure that you have so kindly typed out for us. Regards, Joey.

31 Jul 2008

Welcome to this forum, Empowerer. I'm looking forward to reading lots of interesting and varied messages from you. Thank you very much for sharing your information, it must have taken you a long time to type it all out, so thank you very much for your efforts. They are very much appreciated What should we "get objecting!" to? Regards, Joey.

Hi Roy, you've obviously mistakenly overlooked my question, so I'll repeat it for you pal. Whereabouts in Dawlish would you build a Fish Quay?