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Paul's Posts

Reading this thread it is clear that the vast majority of the people really loved Margaret Thatrcher and wish she was still our Prime Minister. However, so we can all remember her great love of this country and all the people, a statue on the fourth plinth will be a very popular tribute. ...

11 Apr 2013

Glenda Jackson has done nothing compared to Maggie. Her disgraceful outburst was uncalled for and shows the general despicable behaviour we've come to expect from the Labour Party. People moan about the banking bosses, but Blair, Brown and the rest of the irresponsible lot should be in the dock and held to account.

10 Apr 2013

OK, it would be nice if we could all be so well off. Just to show I'm not a fan of the Tory Party or any other party for that matter. Here is a comment by someone on an article about the funeral costs. I think s/he has a point! You've got to hand it to the Tories, they're probably the most vindictive, underhanded, backstabbing and cowardly political party we've got. Not only did they ...

10 Apr 2013

I see, George Osborne's father set up a business in the 1960's which has made them rich. Now he can afford to buy his family nice things. A great example of what hard work can do for you. now we're saying from the same hymn sheet @Brazilnut !

10 Apr 2013

I don't see why people aren't more grateful for all Margaret Thatcher did for us. People moaning about things that had to happen are just being childish. Winning the Falklands War is plenty enough to deserve this rightful send off, then there is all her other great achievements.

10 Apr 2013

thanks @burneside .

10 Apr 2013

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, said he views favorably the idea of setting up a full scale permanent statue in memory of late Baroness Thatcher in the center of London. I absolutely agree with this, a statue in the Nation's capital is a fitting tribute for such a Great ...

9 Apr 2013

So the alternative to what Maggie did in the eighties would be to keep the mines open without coal, keep the dockyards open without ships, keep manufacturing goods much more expensively than other countries, how silly and impossible would that have been. Sadly for many people those jobs were gone. There was no option other than to retrain or just spend the rest of your life on the dole moaning ...

9 Apr 2013

Prime Minister David Cameron's statement on the death of Baroness Thatcher.

8 Apr 2013

Margaret Thatcher should definitely have a "ceremonial" (state) funeral. She dovoted her entire life to her country. She gave people a real chance to make something of their lives. Thank you!