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Rainbow's Posts

I see you have posted the Teignbridge Council results. Dawlish Town Council lost all of it's Lib Dems to represent Dawlish on that council. Dawlish also lost the one and only Dr Rev Tom Bush. He got his comeupance, so Dawlish Town Council will be slightly better without him. Wally Protheroe tenant of the Mount Pleasant Inn, has lost his place on Teignbridge Council, so his nose has been put ...

The Mayor
5 May 2007

Now that the retiring mayor Tom Bush has not been elected to represent the people of Dawlish (Three cheers) I wonder what he will do with his spare time? Also, Dawlish has no Lib Dem's to represent them on Teignbridge (Three cheers again) So that means that Protheroe, Scobie and Mr & Mrs Bush are not so important as they seemed to think they were. Oh Dear!

Dawlish Mayor
3 May 2007

So the new dawlish town mayor, someone by the name of Prowse. Wishes to put something back into the community. I wonder what she has taken out?

Is there even any film in it? NO!

oblivious is in the guessing game, Rainbow certainly played no part in the publishing of the wonderfully put together leaflet, I cannot vouch for Jambuster. From the comments I have seen, most have a futile complaint of the symbol, but not of it's content, so there's a plus. Perhaps those same people have objections to the St Christopher dangling around someone's neck.

Dawlish Mayor
22 Apr 2007

I would never entertain it. Who would wish to stoop so low apart from those that have already taken up the post? You only need to look at the mayor in waiting to realize that.

22 Apr 2007

I don't wish to propose an alternative if that is what you are implying. I asked do we need one and I will qualify it further if you like, what is the purpose apart from bolstering someones self estemm, if they have it.

22 Apr 2007

Do we need a Mayor of Dawlish?

20 Apr 2007

Just over a week left to vote in your favourite liar. Who will get your vote?

Why is it more people do not attend more council meetings to see what your servants are up too. They are not there to help the local community, their first thought is and always has been, "what is in it for me?" if there is nothing, then do not expect to get anything done. Lib Dems are a classic, they dangle carrots get the donkeys interested, and then run away. Tories, impliment a project, (such ...