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Dave The Estate Agent

Dave The Estate Agent's Posts

Maybe it was Roy's cock having a spring flap

18 Dec 2008

You may even get too see Roys cock in there. It would be better to let Roddie loose in a place like that than leaving it to get dusty at home on the mantle piece.

Does anyone know where Joey and his friends are? The old threads, sometimes very bizarre, used to make me chuckle. Was Joey also Viaduct, maybe Wally? Come on whoever you are get your fingers tapping and keep this forum open, we need this sort of site to stay alive, no other town in Devon has one so good!!

Dawlish Visit
16 Dec 2008

Doesn't anyone use this site? Just been to Dawlish with my partner, had a great time. The sun was out, the crowds had gone and the people we spoke to made us very welcome. Two places I'd recommend to any visitor are the Terrace in Dawlish, great breakfast and staff and the Mount Pleasant in Dawlish Warren, I've never seen a pub so busy out of season. Beer was good, landlord very friendly and the ...