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Mcjrpc's Posts

Welcome Brian Devon, your first and hopefully not your last post. It's great that you enjoyed Carnival week enough to register on this site.  I certainly enjoyed some of it, but overall (and in many people's opinion) it's been an amateurish affair, dominated by spite and politics. Perhaps you haven't read the reasons some people feel it has by no means been the best Carnival in years. ...

Pram Race
16 Aug 2013

Flour or flower?  There's a not so subtle difference!

15 Aug 2013

@Brazilnut , hedgehog69 Sure, I just felt a bit sorry for the guy. I'm critical of what's gone on but I'm not his enemy and I feared it was getting whipped up into something personal.    If there's to be a worthy alternative to this committee it's got to behave with dignity.  Anyway, I'm sure no real harm was meant.

Carnival politics
14 Aug 2013

Thanks for clarifying that Michael Clayson. Oh well, it confirms my opinion about the organisers' lack of promotion....

Pram Race
14 Aug 2013

EoD is mocking Dave Farley with that photo.   I for one don't like it.  It's plain bullying, stick to the issue,

Carnival politics
14 Aug 2013

To be even handed though, I see there's no mention of Carnval week on the Town Council website.  Why exclude it when other events are listed.

14 Aug 2013

I thought I'd wait for the week to finish before reaching any conclusions about the Carnival, but it doesn't seem necessary.  The Dawlish Carnival organisers need to hang up their hi-vis jackets and exit the arena.  Maggie Farley had already proved herself unfit to represent the interests of Dawlish with her lamentable Chairwoman's address in the Carnival brochure.  Add to it the poor promotion, ...

Yes, Dawlish News does photo developing and next door, Vivian Gallery, does assorted prints, picture framing etc (or at least used to, I've not bought a picture recently).

If they're not responsible enough to pick up after their animals, they're not going to bother with a licence either. How would the licensing system be enforced - increased stop and search powers, dog licence detector vans?

ManOfThe Brook - thanks for your response.  I have been down to the Lawn every day and will continue and I hope the week is an overall success.    Once it's over why not invite the organising committee and interested people of Dawlish to get together for a calm and well-meaning discussion about it all.  It can't be easy for the organisers hearing/reading gripes and groans and if people ...