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bob sinkerson

bob sinkerson's Posts

lets hope the money gets returned to the lottery committee. the last thing we need in dawlish is a skate park to attract more degenerates to the area. these louts have caused no end of problems to us in dawlish with their loud banging, foul language and graffiti blighting the area. i say either build one out of town, or better still in the middle of the english channel. when will people learn that ...

6 Mar 2008

I have to agree on this point. Whilst walking back from a game of bridge at a very good friends house recently (approximately 11pm), I passed the offending bandstand and saw some very unsavoury characters loitering there with intent. I am sure that if more funds were put into policing in our town then we could drive this kind of shenanagins deeper underground where it belongs. The same villains ...

I must say I was quite disgusted today at a conversation I overheard in one of these shops. I entered the premises to acquire a price for a couple of good tips i have been given for the forthcoming cheltenham meeting, and one young chap said to the other one "i aint touching any job for under 50 quid a day unless its cash in hand, so i can still sign on". If these shops are going to encourage this ...

my dear olive, i was merely using chelsea/kensington as an example of places people may like to live but could not afford to live. Please be aware I certainly have not the slightest intention of leaving my beloved Dawlish, and in fact am making it my mission to purchase as many properties as possible in the area so as to keep a close eye on who is living in my proximity. Rather than you troubling ...

3 Mar 2008

My posting stating "keep dawlish to ourselves" is just merely pointing out that we can well do without creating more council estate type free housing, for all and sundry to come and invade us, and pillaging our over generous benefits system to subsidise themselves and their numerous offspring they can ill afford. Obviously the area having to cater for tourists creates many low paid jobs, but for ...

3 Mar 2008

dawlish should be a haven for the better off, somewhere for others to aspire to. why should we create cheap dwellings just to attract all and sundry. I appreciate we are a seaside town for others to come and admire in the summer, but leave us be for the rest of the year. The way some of the less affluent people talk on here I wonder if maybe we should rename ourselves bristol warren or plymouth ...

2 Mar 2008

we need more expensive housing, less betting shops and less down market cheap shops so that we can keep the riff raff out. KEEP DAWLISH TO OURSELVES THANK YOU VERY MUCH