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Dave The Estate Agent

Dave The Estate Agent's Posts

I'm the estate agent not Roy! Roys my driver in his luxury Lada Cab. His new cabs great for cruising.....overheard one comment about when the VIADUCT was nicely painted in all its glory and not a rusting old eyesore on the beachfront that everyone has to put up with year after year! Got to dash, meters running

24 Apr 2009

Good news for me....I'll do alright out of the potential housing boom in Devon when the 2nd houses are flogged off. One man's loss is another mans gain, who says the economy is on it's artichoke?

Roys spouting is often hogwash but this time he's talking sense. The council are up for an award by an independant body, not the council voting themselves for a reward. What's your problem VIADUCT? Moan, moan, moan moan, moan...that's all we get from you. Be positive, you're not in Government and dealt the nation the biggest debt ever seen in history! Move on and feel good for Dawlish for once you ...

23 Apr 2009

My understanding of Viaduct: "to whinge and moan on a regular basis. Sun's out...oh it's too hot. Raining today...roll on summer!" STOP MOANING VIADUCT - Roy has for once found something credible to spout off about.

Give me a shout, I've got a nice 3 bed flat going for a song in Totnes, you could even move in one of Roys Taxis, afterall you hate the place so why not emigrate to Totnes?

Do the drivers of Roys Cabs have to pass a moronic chat test to become one of your ambassadors? If they do then where do I apply...I'm not up to much these days in the world of flogging houses for extortionate rates and given unsuspecting locals a help up the debt ladder. I could always ply my trade in one if your Lada's, flogging some of your idiotic views to unsuspecting lager louts and ...

Roy get yourself to Brewers in Exeter, they have a better deal on this weekend for paint, can you paint the double yellow lines in The Strand in Terracotta and Egg Shell line bars? Would this be deemed an illegal line or not? Would it meet the stringent Parking Gestapo rules on line classification, is there a law on the shade of yellow? If there is no law on shade of yellow lets go mad and spruce ...

9 Apr 2009

What you bringing me into it for? Biz is terrible, I'll be HOMELESS soon if biz doesn't pick up. But it won't be a problem cause I'll get my drugs un booze from the locals that seem to be a problem in Dawlish. Roy / Viaduct will you join me for a can of Special Brew?

Seal in Dawlish
30 Mar 2009

I don't believe it was lost, they do swim in our waters on a regular occurance. Just been a long time since I saw one in our area. haven't see it again, I'll have a good look tommorrow when I'm out for a walk.

24 Mar 2009

Did anyone else spot the seal between Dawlish and Teignmouth today? Great to see it swimming so close to the town...