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General Discussion

Have you had a parking ticket in richmond place?

boot strap bill
boot strap bill
07 Apr 2009 15:10

a few weeks ago my wife received a parking ticket (pcn) for being parked outside Stewarts in Richmond place, I challenged the ticket armed with photos of the area clearly showing that the double yellow lines were broken and cannot be enforced also the t bar at the end near to beach street is missing would encourage anyone who has recently received a (pcn)for parking down there challenge it and you will win!

08 Apr 2009 06:36

Did they give you a reason as to why they cancelled the PCN?
What date was it that your wife recieved her PCN?
It would be interesting to know, as some of us take it a bit further than just accepting a cancellation.

From Devon County Council (Gary Powell), "When we become aware that there is deviation from that which is prescribed, we take immeadiate action and put it right or suspend enforcement until it is put right."

The miscreants that have been trained, (but it would appear not to have been trained to recognise what is and what is not a lawful traffic sign), are certainly not part of our society. I wonder if they get any sleep at night?
Oh! and by the way, the community support occifers don't know any better either.

The trouble I have found in this country is - it is only foriegn nationals or imported people from abroad, that know how to demonstrate effectively, as demonstrated recently with supporters of the Tamil Tigers.

Parking in Dawlish is not too bad for most of the year, yet we are hounded all year round. There must be an ulterior motive - could it be more dosh to fill up the coffers of DCC, something that they firmly deny and trawl out congestion easing as their reason for introducing parking charges. The only congestion we encounter is from the traffic lights as it is every where or some silly billy who has trouble reversing into a parking lot, as in the Strand - which inevitably holds up the traffic because they should not be on the road practicing what they preach to others.

08 Apr 2009 11:24

How can they sleep at night?

I'd imagine that reading the drivel that you write on here would be enough to get an insomniac to nod off.

Wilful law-breakers like you and your aliases, get everything they deserve.

You chanced your arm by parking on double yellow lines, but you got caught. Boo-hoo, let's start crying like a big baby...

Get a grip on reality man!

08 Apr 2009 13:00

i was told some time ago that they could not enforce parking violations in that area, not signed right or something like that.

User 4549
User 4549
08 Apr 2009 16:47

"Wilful law-breakers" Roy you do put some absolute crap on here, how did they break the law when even the high and mighty authorities agreed she had not. If the CPO's had been trained properly they would not have issued a ticket in the first place, and informed the authorities of the problem which could then be rectified.

08 Apr 2009 20:34

She chanced her arm by parking on double yellow lines, hoping she wouldn't get caught or that she would get away it. That's wilful law-breaking, no matter how you busy-bodies might want to dress it up.

A double yellow line is a double yellow line. They are put there for the protection of pedestrians and other road users. You old busy-bodies should find something constructive to do with your lives, instead of putting children's lives at risk with your follies.

Children are the future, you has-beens are the past.

The sooner that the authorities do what they need to do in order to re-instate the parking restrictions, then the better for those of us who want to go about our business without interference from illegally parked miscreants such as you and your aliases.

08 Apr 2009 20:53

So Roy -the boy, thinks it is all right for those in authority to break the law, but not the rest of us. If a sign (and a road marking is a sign) is not as prescribed, then it is not a sign.
The fact that Roy does not know the difference between a lawful sign and an unlawful sign, means the rest of us are talking drivel does it?
For people like Roy - my mother used to say to me, they have got the brains they were born with and I guess Roy the boy falls into that catagory.
Nuff said!!!!!

08 Apr 2009 20:55

Sorry, I should have said, "Have not got the brains they were born with."

User 4549
User 4549
08 Apr 2009 22:30

"illegally parked miscreants such as you and your aliases" The idiot Roy's comment.

What utter clatrap you write Roy, if I paint a double yellow line outside my house and park there am I breaking the law, which is just what the authories have done, by not following the law of the land.

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
08 Apr 2009 22:58

Legislation specifies how the authorities are to apply and designate parking restrictions.
If they do not apply the legislation properly then people parking there are not breaking the law, no matter how much anyone tries to bully them.

09 Apr 2009 07:41

The point that everyone is so spectacularly missing is that when the miscreants park on the double yellow lines, they do not realise that the lines are not marked/signed in accordance with the relevant redtape-bound regulations.

Therefore, in their minds, when they park on the double yellow lines they're hoping to get away with breaking the law! No matter what risk they impose upon law-abiding pedestrians and other road users.

Interesting to see the old busybodies being so in favour of redtape though...

User 4549
User 4549
09 Apr 2009 07:47

Roy. How do you know that they are not aware they are illegal, have you been gifted with some wonderful power, remember she appealed the ticket so she knew it was not a legally signed area. If there are any NEW BRAIN CELL REVITALISERS on the market I suggest you buy some.

09 Apr 2009 08:19

I had a business in Dawlish for a while and parked outside stewarts regularly. I checked with the police and Devon cc and was told that the road markings were unenforceable so I was ok to park there. When the new parking wardens took over I was issued a ticket. I contacted Teignbridge council to explain what I had been told by the police etc and was told that was a lie and the ticket stood. I told them I wouldnt pay it as I was prepared to go to court with photograpic evidence of the questionable road markings. I have heard nothing more from them! My ticket was issued in July 2008! Perhaps the council should look at their parking charges like torbay council have. I used to park in Dawlish last year for 50p for 2 hours thats now 80p for 1 hour. The economic downturn is affecting all traders everywhere but by massivly hiking up parking costs people arnt stopping in Dawlish like they used to and its making a bad situation worse. Most businesses have a 6 week window to make enough money to last the whole year. A bit of cooperation from the council re parking might just save some of the towns businesses.

09 Apr 2009 08:21

Roy, some people I will agree - break the law with impunity, some break the law because they know no different.
It used to be said and still is used as a defence, "ignorance is no defence", and that applies to us all. That was ok when there was just one law, now we have a minefield of laws and you would need to be better that Einstien to grapple with them all. So in certain circumstances ignorance could be used as a defence - but I do not know under what circumstance.
I can have a sign at my gate, "Beware of the Dog", but it does not mean I have a dog. Same applies to road markings (yellow lines as you are on the subject), they can be put down, but it does not make them legal.
I have been dealing with unlawful traffic signs and Traffic Regulation Orders for years, (same as those in authority who are tasked with their placement) What bugs me most of all, is they have access to all the legislation, it is claimed they have full training and the knowledge to do it correctly and many with degrees - so why do they choose to do it differently from that which is prescribed and then at a later date when it is discovered that it is wrong, they correct it at tax-payers expence and no one is brought to book.
Council tax could be halved if there were not so many mistakes.

09 Apr 2009 19:30

roy, the words to describe you are unprintable !

09 Apr 2009 20:45

Where is bootstrap bill, we need some answers.
Today I noticed two cars with PCN's under their wiper blades in Richmond Place.

boot strap bill
boot strap bill
10 Apr 2009 12:28

hi viaduct yes I have been reading with interest the comments made specifically by Roy, words fail me!...anyway any parking tickets which have been given are not valid as they cannot be enforced as the double yellow lines are incomplete with no bar at the end, on the day in question I went down to Stewarts where the so called offence took place and took photos to backup my appeal (please note this has to be done within 14 days)the offence on the ticket was (Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours) I would imagine anyone else who has been given a ticket it would probably state that, so the basis of my appeal was simple 1.broken double yellow lines,2 parking in a restricted place where there is no signage indicating this (accept on the entrance to beach street) 3 prescribed hours there is nothing visible anywhere in Richmond place again to indicate this. This was the basis for my appeal and I won. Oh and Roy if you do read this the only reason I posted this subject was to help people in a similar position which is more than you do, you seem to get great pleasure in finding fault with people, what I would say if you cannot be constructive don’t comment there is enough negativity at the moment without you adding to it.

10 Apr 2009 16:20

I'm off to B&Q to buy some yellow paint and make sure those lines have the bar at the end.

Then they'll be as they should be, and perhaps old busy bodies won't park there and therefore they won't be causing a danger to pedestrians and other road users.

Why does no-one on here feel guilty about the danger that they appear to take great glee in causing????!

User 4549
User 4549
10 Apr 2009 16:55

Roy, You better buy gallons and make sure it is the right type of paint. You can also do the lines in Luscombe, Hospital Hill, Hatcher St, every Bus stop in the Exeter Road and also the one in Brookdale Terrace and many many more throughout Dawlish. Let this forum know when you have finished those and I will give you the rest.

11 Apr 2009 05:32

On Thursday this week 09/04/09 I saw PCN's under the windscreen wipers of of car's outside of Stewart's (Richmond Place). The reason I asked boot strap bill a specific question was, (and that question was, "when did your wife receive her PCN?"), because Gary Powell (Devon County Council) has said, "when we become aware of problems, we will suspend enforcement until the matter is corrected". Well nothing as you are all aware has been suspended. So according to Roy's stance on this situation, those in authority can break the law with impunity and can tell lies and get away with it. That is just one on the reasons why I take on those in authority - if we are expected to get it right, then they must do like wise.

Dave The Estate Agent
Dave The Estate Agent
11 Apr 2009 11:15

Roy get yourself to Brewers in Exeter, they have a better deal on this weekend for paint, can you paint the double yellow lines in The Strand in Terracotta and Egg Shell line bars? Would this be deemed an illegal line or not? Would it meet the stringent Parking Gestapo rules on line classification, is there a law on the shade of yellow? If there is no law on shade of yellow lets go mad and spruce the town up for the summer no overtaking lines, green bus stop lines and lilac left turn only! Think of the tourism this would bring in, "Dawlish in Bloom" without the flowers.
Anyway park where you like forumers, the lines are broken and the council are still unaware of Laws of the Land. I've got a photo of one of the parking attendants illegally parked vans, there was no ticket paid from the meter!

boot strap bill
boot strap bill
11 Apr 2009 13:42

As far as I know the double yellow lines by Stewarts have been broken for at least 7 years so it has become commonplace for people or miscreants as (Roy puts it) to park there, Teignbridge and Devon county council have only themselves to blame for leaving the opportunity of free parking by Stewarts, don’t forget Stewarts or Richmond place is one amongst many places in Dawlish where the double yellow lines are not completed, take for instance queen street and high street those to roads pose more of a danger to pedestrians and traffic due to people parking on the double yellow lines causing traffic chaos, will the local authority do anything about no they won’t, my point been parking down by Stewarts Roy is less of a danger than parking in queen street or high street and if either my wife or myself should have the misfortune of receiving another pcn then I will appeal again.

12 Apr 2009 15:51

The council don't seem to be too concerned about possible illegality of their markings; there's another three ticketed cars this afternoon!

boot strap bill
boot strap bill
12 Apr 2009 16:34

From what you have said the only thing I can conclude is that they have either reinstated the double yellow lines or the parking warden is completely oblivious to the road markings but then again he could be on a bonus system and hope nobody appeals. If anyone who has received a pcn for parking down by Stewarts...APPEAL NOW OR WITHIN 14 DAYS AND TAKE SOME PHOTOS!!!

12 Apr 2009 21:54

The yellow lines are still in a parlous state, so can only imagine they're trying it on for the benefit of some of our Easter tourists who will know no better. And for that matter should really know better than park on the double yellows in a strange town. (very strange).

12 Apr 2009 22:49

You do talk total gonads Roy.... I bet your family love visiting you a? A real happy soul... It must be like visiting the old gits when people (IF) visit you... I have read your comments and it seems to me you have nothing nice or really constructive to say about anyone or anything. Moan moan moan all the time... You are soooo boring.. I take it you are disabled and don't get out much or have a life... it shows... You sad old lonely man... I don't pity you I think you deserve every thing you get and then some...I am just guessing but if you are disabled I bet you have a blue badge? So you get a brand new car every two years, wish I could have a new car every two years for free.... Vehical Tax exemption, free parking in some car parks, reserved spaces at super markets and multi stories... the list is endless and all at the expense of the tax payer. They should be made to pay like every one else....

13 Apr 2009 08:38

boot strap bill! it really is important to know when your wife received her PCN, the date. I challenged CEO 3011 back last August about the issue of tickets for an unlawful road marking at Richmond Place. He tried to give me a load of waffle, I told him he was talking bollocks, he then said he would have me arrested for threatening behaviour, and I then told him he did not know the difference between a threat and a statement. So they do know about it, so why do they continue to issue tickets? Bardwell may have the answer - those of us that know will challenge and those that do not, will help to fill the coffers of Devon County Council.
Sad thing is, those that have received a ticket and are told to challenge and what to challenge on, still do not have the guts to do it - the fear factor comes into play and those in authority know it.
It is your councillors that back up this idiotic parking enforcement, it is so easy for them to help raise more money with very little imput. It is a lot more difficult for them to argue a case for saving money. Did any one of them challenge the outrageous cost of refurbishing the toilets/information block a couple of years ago? Over £300,000 so I am told or the cost of building the Hedley Way Centre or the cost of installing the defunct CCTV system which we all enjoy.

People get rich off the back of others and no more so than getting rich on the back of the Council Tax/Tax payer, therein lies the biggest problem, but no one takes that part of the fiddles on board until it is to late.

User 4549
User 4549
13 Apr 2009 09:09

As so many tickets have been cancelled, they are aware of the problem and continue to issue PCN's and collect the money, this makes DCC accountants fraudulent The persons email address who handles the CEO's is who in turn will have informed this is the man who instructs the Linesmen to correct the problemns.

User 4549
User 4549
13 Apr 2009 20:03

Sorry I should have added the following from that Department of Transport A spokesman said: "If this end line isn't there then the lines have been laid out incorrectly by the local authority and you would have grounds to challenge the ticket in court."

01 Aug 2009 00:45


01 Aug 2009 00:50


User 4549
User 4549
01 Aug 2009 09:55

Here we go again, he's back, Fellover699 You just proved what an idiot you are to all who use this forum. I guess your little finger got caught on the CAPS key. Why don't you take the time to read what other posters have said instead of just trying to provoke people with you alcohol filled brain. Cheers Hic

01 Aug 2009 10:59

you are a very foolish old man/woman. I had not had a drink when i posted this. I was correct in the context of my comments & am sick of persons who believe that because their thinking of the law is correct that they are not at fault. you have the mindset of a little child, which is clear by your constant comments regarding the consumption of are either: an old fool (who fought in the war for the likes of me) a born again christian spinster (who would have to move house if persons of ethnic persuasion moved into the neighbourhood) there is now, overwhelming evidence of libel emerging on this forum, so watch your words.

User 4549
User 4549
01 Aug 2009 11:12

Hey, You are some joker, "libel emerging on this forum, so watch your words". Please go for it. lets see the colour of the stripe down you back.

02 Aug 2009 12:19

Oh dear, here we go again. Fel, you are accusing others of 'having the mindset of a child' because they make suggestions about you. The trouble is you do exactly the same thing back suggesting people are old fools, and born again christian spinsters. Do you not understand that you, making these comments, makes those of a similar mindset to you respond and this whole forum goes round and round and round in circles. I am sure you have some valid comments and your genuine imput would be appreciated if you would stop this tit for tat name calling and bravado. This is a genuine message Fel, come on lets hear your valid points and opinions without the need for name calling, intimidation or any of the other nonsense that takes place by some members of this forum.

09 Aug 2009 02:34

YOU ARE INDEED AN OLD FOOL, !!! My comments are based solely on feedback, not an attack...they are posted as a response to suggestions that are libelous... persons of older persuasion do not seem to understand this. Maybe pistols at dawn?

11 Aug 2009 21:00

Thanks fel you just proved my point!!!! You just carry on as you are and genuine posters just wont bother reading your posts, which would be a shame because, as I said before, I am sure you have some genuine and valid points to raise. Oh and by the way I am neither old nor a fool.

12 Aug 2009 15:14

What O

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