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Rainbow's Posts

This has been taken from another forum. Woodman, spare that tree! The mad axeman of Dawlish will no doubt swing into action before the summer is out. Why? Because the mature trees on the Lawn are not protecting their young. For a start, they have the wrong sort of leaves which obscure the view of the supposedly all-seeing CCTV cameras. Triple-bypass Ted, aka Cllr Hockin, raised the matter with ...

Read rainbows thread

5 Jul 2007

Read rainbows thread

I couldn't agree more. The council bless them, with their forward thinking, has thrust this site to the fore-front of debate. Where else in Dawlish can you have such a debate about any subjuect under the sun if you wish, (well nearly). Bill will say you can't talk about or do some things, because if you do , we will throw a fixed penalty at you. If simple questions winds up those in authority ...

15 Jun 2007

Na! to be a Town mayor, you have to be a plonker.

Watch Your Talk, Town Council Tells Website Owner News Editor Wednesday, March 21, 2007 Dawlish Town Council has asked the owner of to remove or censor its discussion forum and guest book after it was unanimously agreed by the financial and general purposes committee on Thursday. The move came after the council received a letter from a man in Newton Abbot stating that 'diatribe ...

seagulls in dawlish
14 Jun 2007

That's Dawlish for you.

black swan con!
14 Jun 2007

We put the paint on with a brush.

Very upset resident, you say, "What is it about our town? The police are invisible and the councellors are useless!!!!" Well not so much the police, but most councillors that I have come across, will only act in a positive way, if there is something in it for them. If they see no advantage in it for them, don't even bother to mention it.

14 Jun 2007

At the Picturehouse, Bartholomew Steet West, Exeter. A very good film "Taking Liberties" 25 May - 5 July. The shocking truth about the erosion of our fundamental civil liberties by Tony Blaire's government is exposed in this documentary. The film reveals how the five pillars of liberty - the right to liberty, to privacy, to a fair trial and to free speech, plus the prohibition of torture - have ...