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Mcjrpc's Posts

You see?  All those of you worrying about the proximity of Langdon Hospital, without a thought for how convenient it will be for your visitors to walk to.

14 Dec 2013

21% for me.  I think it said the same as for Mrs C's 30%

Paul's Thread
14 Dec 2013

If you keep on the right side of human decency you won't need governments to set your boundaries.

So the Museum gets 'transferred' to the Town Council/Museum.  Is that good news?  Can they afford to take it over, presumably without having to purchase it?

This from Anne Marie Morris on Twitter: "I will ensure that I do not personally benefit from any MP pay rise after 2015. Independently set & cannot be justified."

Paul's Thread
13 Dec 2013

You're correct.  The law in the country says that freedom of speech carries duties and responsibilities in respect of the rights of others.  Maybe the freedom of speech brigade should take a dose of the medicine they like to dish out to others when it suits them - 'If you don't like it, don't live here'.

So Fred, you hijack a post about theft and turn it to your preoccupation about Eastern Europeans. Boring.

Islam at its best
10 Dec 2013

Oooh, I'm scared.  I really hope the Brunswick and the Lansdowne sent a posse to counter protest.  Next up all those Catholics will be lobbying to ban the sale of contraceptives.

The Knowledge only applies to licensed hackney cabs (the black cabs) which you can flag down in the street. It doesn't apply to private hire cars which have to be pre-booked by phone or at an office.    As far as I know it only applies in London.

I know, fancy getting your knickers in a twist over an 'imposter' on an anonymous website!!