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Mcjrpc's Posts

It's often said you get the government and the media you deserve.  These days it's style over substance for most politicians, whatever their party.   I can't imagine an honest politician would survive, the media would tear them to shreds for not having a spin on everything.

Did you see this?

Flood Alert
28 Jan 2014

It feels like we've had more rain this winter.  I saw that it had overflowed at one point but hopefully not to the extent of last year.

28 Jan 2014

Does anyone know if dredging the brook prevented flooding?

PAY.   Why not just open them in the summer months when they get most use and charge for them.   Or let a charity manage them and keep the revenue.

UKIP at its best
21 Jan 2014

Does anyone know if it's Anne Marie Morris' personally held belief or whether she thinks she's representing the views of the majority of the constituency? If I had a belief which was at odds with my duty I would probably abstain.

Take a trip to Dartmoor when the next Ten Tors challenge is on in May, that'll inspire any doubters.

It's a very nice gesture to be donating the proceeds to charity.  Good luck to them.

I know Elvis , when Smella gave her non-rude, non-personal opinion, she was set about like a pack of dogs after a cat.

20 Dec 2013

No Carer , I'm not the idiot.  The post was clearly provocative and illogical but no surprise you failed to recognise that.   You hector others with your ill-informed opinions and you bandy about an ill-informed understanding of freedom of speech.  You're entitled to your opinion but I repeat, if you judge an entire religion or race based on the actions of some you are racist.  I don't know why ...