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Mcjrpc's Posts

The Carnival is over, or at least it should be while incompetents are on the committee. There is nothing in their shenanigans of the last two years that suggests they know how to run a business.  The question is whether the council committee members will have the courage to tell them to take a hike for fear of upsetting the applecart.   It might seem like a controversial decision to deny them ...

Warrior, I think we've got your message loud and clear now, so in the spirit of balance, is there anything the Tories or Blair's lot have done that you approve of?

Blackdown Building
18 Aug 2014

I wonder what constitutes a decent play park these days?  A slide, seesaw, roundabout and hopscotch wouldn't pass muster now.   What would it take to see swarms of children using one?  Or is it just that parents won't let their kids out on their own any more?

Warrior - you said "Suffice to say that anybody can thrive in life if they have the "will" to do something. " I'll disagree with you on that.  Some people just don't have the wherewithal, be it intelligence, savvy, health, inspiration, opportunity, luck - many reasons, none within their control.  You've made it sound like all they need is determination, which is more of a right wing attitude ...

14 Aug 2014

They had rent control in New York for years. Mind you, that got bent out of shape and is applying less and less. These days planning permission for new developments here often requires a proportion given to social housing  - isn't that in line with your idea of how it should be?

14 Aug 2014

I agree, plenty of European countries are not hung up on home ownership.  However, here, when it came to council estates, they were always an indication of your social status and the prejudice that ensued.  Have you lived on one?  These days I like that I can walk past a house and not have any idea if it's owned or rented, that's how it should be.   I don't suppose it would happen but rent control ...

14 Aug 2014

I'm a socialist but I absolutely disagree with you Warrior.  With that kind of salary you should step aside and let less well off people have the social housing, not remain on a 'point of principle'.  That's not what social housing should be used for and it insults those who need it most.

Guess the rent!!!
13 Aug 2014

And if interest rates rise it won't bear thinking about...

13 Aug 2014


13 Aug 2014

Flat or house?