Bits and Bobs the Davidsons Toy shop is closing maybe it is going there just what we dont need another charity shop
I would say that Gatehouse wins hands down my three have all gone there always been happy and have done well
A good gardener and very reliable Dave on 07708614084
When i lived in town i always parked in Coryton Close its the second left after the Barton car park
Sounds like a good idea the traders could try one night a week for a start and se how popular it is although it would need to be well advertised
How about the Leisure Centre
I agree with wriggler a fantastic way to pay for your goods although the womans voice does grate after a while. The problem is people don't like change and always winge but the same people have the latest phones tellies etc and i wonder if those same people would give up all the great technologies if the clock was turned back ???
Thanks Lynne its interesting to se that 1117 people viewed the post yet less than 400 cast a vote or am i missing something
Cal i believe the details where posted on here there where various meetings in town and a open day at the church in the Strand
You are right Brazilnut apathy is a problem i personally voted for non pedestrianization as i am concerned about the town shops and have very close friends who own and run establishments in the Strand. But with 3 kids and limited finances the supermarkets provide my kids good quality food at a fair price and most parents are in the same boat. With family budgets being squeezed more and more they ...