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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

Ah-ha - so you've remembered how to spell your name?! Well done you.

Roy, you actually take the trouble to type in the word "Anon" in the 'Name' field. Why do this when surely it's easier to type in "Roy"? Bizarre behaviour from someone who's postings are getting more and more troubling by the day. Seriously buddy, you need to get professional medical help.

29 Jul 2008

Dear Councillor Chicken, it would appear that the anonymous anti-Dawlish poster (AKA Roy, et al) still thinks that you and I are the same person! He really should stop projecting his impotency upon others. SECONDS OUT! DING DING!

Hey! Councillor Chicken! Don't you know that Roy's the only Queen around here?!

29 Jul 2008

I'm keeping well out of it. My friends at the masonic lodge wouldn't be at all happy if they were to find out I was taking part in unsanctioned showdowns.

Moaning Dawlish
26 Jul 2008

Perhaps there should be a centre for the disaffected schizo's? Why does this anti-Dawlish person post on here using so many different usernames? Pathetic - he is only on here to denigrate Dawlish. All IP addresses on any forum are recorded, so the administrator of this particular forum can clearly see that the various anti-Dawlish rants are all from the same source. It's only a pity that the ...

Brunswick Car Park
25 Jul 2008

Well said Siren. I'm not convinced that half of the serial whingers on here even live in Dawlish.

Excellent news, if confirmed. Even someone with a negative IQ such as myself, can see that this is great news for the local consumers and the local economy. Things are certainly looking up in Dawlish.

Dear B. Anker. Hmm. I bet the B is short for Bill. No wonder you prefer to be known as Bill rather than William... Are you suggesting that Estate Agents shouldn't receive commission for selling properties? Sounds to me that you're suggesting that a money-less society would be good for this country. Hurrah! Comrade Anker, come with me and join the revolution! Let us go forth and overturn the ...

Hopefully, they'll succeed with their appeal and we'll see this shabby rundown place turned into an attractive building. Next up, the Surnburnt Arms?