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Rainbow's Posts

Hear,Hear! Look at the last mare we had, it wasn't look what I am doing for Dawlish, it was LOOK AT ME I am the mare!

Is it true that there are cracks appearing in the walls and the tenants are frantically trying to paper them over?

After an humungous cockup by mr town clerk in the wording of the notice he published and then placed in a conspicuous place, (The Manor House), THERE WILL BE NO BYE-ELECTION. THE WORDING ON THE NOTICE SAID,"If a poll is claimed by ten electors of this Parish",--- That was done by several electors of the Parish. Teignbridge District Council has divorced themselves from the word Parish and claimed ...

Bus Travel
1 Apr 2008

For those wishing to plan a bus journey.

Black Swans
31 Mar 2008

ZIGGY said,"Tomorrow the new cygnets will be put into a safe enclosure away from the seagulls. " Why? It never used to happen. And do they place swans and cygnets into enclosures at other places? I think not. I wonder if there is an ulterior motive for taking such action?

Dawlish doesn't need more housing, what it needs is sensible rents for those who require somewhere to live, there is plenty of accommodation in Dawlish if you are prepared to pay the rent. Giving accommodation to someone from out of the area, gives the shout brigade (we want more housing) the chance to play into developers hands by demanding more.

mark ronson plymouth
13 Jan 2008

Who the hell is Mark ronson?

Marie wrote: ENTERTAINMENT/LEISURE: There is a leisure centre in Dawlish, Tennis courts, golf course, indoor and outdoor bowling. Unless Tesco get their mucky fingers on it.

Share some of it then!

Hello Sailor!
2 Jan 2008

Quote from the mayor "I found Dom Joly very exhausting, he kept proding me and firing questions at me, I felt completely wrung out". What on earth did she mean?