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General Discussion

the youth of today
23 Jun 2008

I agree with you mouse. Its a shame that we cant all just live with each other without all of these prejudices. Everyone has to face facts - you may not have had all the problems of today back in the 40's and 50's. But by heck they were still around. These BObs, Viaducts etc were all young once (probably around the 1960's) when hmmm let me think, drugs were rife, everyone was lazing around doing ...

LOL having read through a number of the posts on this website, I can see why people think that Viaduct/Roy etc are on i the same person. Maybe you should add BOB to that list they seem to have the same attitude and rudeness as each other. Quite condescending and obviously thinks that because he reads The Times he has more knowledge and therefore respect than anyonee else combined. In ...

22 Jun 2008

Thank you mouse :) for agreeing with me. In my opinion we should all just try and get the best out of a situation. I doubt Dawlish is half as bad as most places are anyway. I mean anyone been to Westward HO!? :P You have the see, are near Teignmouth,Exeter, Plymouth. Lovely!!!!!! Your not stuck in the polluted air that is London. You are infact part of an ever decreasing minority that live by ...

Its wonderfull
22 Jun 2008

Its nice to hear people saying nice things about Dawlish for once :)

the youth of today
22 Jun 2008

A message for the 'lovely' Bob. I find it pretty sad that you go down the route of criticizing my spelling. I guess that was the only comeback that you could think of...? Did i state ANYWHERE in my post that I was supporting people who drink and are louts??? I guess you cant read either!!! No, in fact I stated I hated people who put everyone in the same boat as everyone else. I do not support ...

22 Jun 2008

lol its pretty sad how you idiots argue over the most simplest of things, If you didnt have the carnival im sure half your business over the summer months would dwindle to nothing. It brings tourists in - tourists spend money and ooo unless you think the southwest can support itself financially then we would be up the creek without the business!!!!!

Dawlish Town FC
17 Jun 2008

Does anyone know if DTFC have announced any friendlies yet? Cheers Rich R

the youth of today
19 May 2008

I am, quite frankly appalled by your forum. I was planning to come to dawlish for a holiday this summer and thought id look up the local info. I am 21, and i get sick and tired of being stereotyped into this 'youth of today' nonsence. Not all young people are ruffians who sit out and around drinking cider all day. The majority of us have to listen to the abuse the older generation give us and ...

anyone please?

9 May 2008

we stayed at the holiday park in dawlish warren (the one closest to the beach) last year, but found the accomodation and club house rather run down by todays standards. i wondered if anyone knows whether it has had a revamp this year as its in a great location and we would really like to visit again. also is the beach back to normal after losing its sand? grateful for any replies

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