You do not have to look to far for annonimity. Have you ever read minutes of the Town council and seen who voted for, against or abstained, cus eye aven't. We need more transparency agreed; but don't come here demanding it before you sort it out in other places of IMPORTANCE.
And it is up to the individual as to whether or not to accept the increase, THEIR CHOICE, FREEDOM of CHOICE, call it what you will. Everything will remain overpriced as long as muppets are prepared to pay the asking price. Follow me! I will show you how to get the prices down.
What abusive, pointless postings are you refering too? Can't be anything to do with Rotary or the Council or councillors or the Mayor or the carnival committee or trying to expose the corruption that is rife, etc,etc,etc.
Repossesion orders up by 24% The Ministry of Justice said 28,658 orders were made by the courts in England and Wales in the second quarter of 2008. Thats a lot of repossesions and it will get heaps worse.
I bet you still paid it you muppet?
Seems like someone if they get it, are going to spend all their time looking out of their flat window. A House/Bungalow/Flat/Maisonette/or anywhere else you live is only a roof over your head. Get out of it and enjoy life.
I have just seen the pratt, stood on the back of a trailer which was part of the carnival parade. Two coucillors that I was stood in earshot of said, "That is about the limit of what he does for Dawlish." Now there is loyalty for you, and they were also members of the yellow rosette brigade. So it is not just outsiders that think he is a pratt after all!
The world-famous Red Marrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed 'too British'. Organisers of the event say that the Marrows military background might be 'offensive' to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display ...
No one appears to be concerned about the price of oil. $147 a barrel hiked the pump price to an average of £1.19 a litre. Today Brent crude has dropped to $63 a barrel, where is the drop at the pumps?
Children play with toy's, adults (bigger children) play with bigger toy's. Fantisimo!